My DOR: Sign In - Washington
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My account - Washington Department of Revenue
File or amend my return. Report no business activity. Late filing. Reviews and appeals. Apply for a tax refund
My DOR Help - Washington Department of Revenue
Instructions to help you complete your tasks in My DOR.
Efile in My DOR - Washington Department of Revenue
Efile using My DOR. View instructions and examples. No. You must still file your return by the due date using one of the following options: Express file online. No login required. Efile a “no business” return using My DOR. Call our automated system 24/7 at 360-705-6705.
Refund | Washington State Working Families Tax Credit
Where can I check the status of my refund? After two weeks, you can check our “Where’s My Refund” tool. Go to: Where is my Washington Working Families Tax Credit refund? We have a video to help you navigate the “Where’s My Refund” tool. Go to: WorkingFamiliesCredit.wa.gov/RefundVideo.
DOR Wisconsin Department of Revenue Portal
Filing your taxes using Direct File and WisTax is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. See if you qualify. 2. File your federal return. 3. File your Wisconsin return. Now open.
myPATH | Department of Revenue | Commonwealth of …
myPATH, which stands for ‘my Pennsylvania Tax Hub’, provides many self-service options such as registering a new tax account, accurately and securely filing returns, making payments, managing your accounts, and interacting with the department. Some advantages of …