MPG1 Encodes a Fungal Hydrophobin Involved in Surface …
The MPG1 gene sequence predicts a small protein belonging to a family of fungal proteins designated hydrophobins. Using random ascospore analysis and genetic complementation, …
MPG1, a gene encoding a fungal hydrophobin of Magnaporthe …
The MPG1 gene encodes a fungal hydrophobin of M. grisea that is expressed during development of aerial hyphae, conidia, and appressoria. Deletion of MPG1 reduces the efficiency of …
Identification and characterization of MPG1, a gene involved in ...
MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteristics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 gene product …
Self-assembly of MPG1, a hydrophobin protein from the rice
May 4, 2016 · We demonstrate that, in vitro, MPG1 assembles spontaneously into amyloid structures while MHP1 forms a non-fibrillar film. The assembly of MPG1 only occurs at a …
MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteris- tics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 gene …
MPMI Journal 1996 | MPG1, a Gene Encoding a Fungal …
MPGI is required for efficient induction of appressoria in response to a host surface or highly hydrophobic artificial substrates. However, we identified several artificial substrates that can …
Identification and Characterization of MPG1, a Gene Involved in ...
Dec 1, 1993 · MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteristics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 …
Mpg1, a fission yeast protein required for proper septum
Jul 28, 2005 · In this study we have isolated and characterized mpg1, an essential S. pombe gene encoding a putative GDP-mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase. Mpg1 homologues have …
Self-assembly of MPG1, a hydrophobin protein from the rice
May 4, 2016 · Here we report details of a study of the structure, assembly and interactions of these proteins. We demonstrate that, in vitro, MPG1 assembles spontaneously into amyloid …
MPEG-1 - 百度百科
MPEG-1是MPEG组织制定的第一个 视频 和 音频 有损压缩 标准。 视频压缩算法于1990年定义完成。 1992年底,MPEG-1正式被批准成为 国际标准。 MPEG-1是为CD光碟介质定制的的视频 …