My Offical Server (PC) Alpha Mosa Farming Guide
2016年7月5日 · Step 4: kill the regular mosa Simple enough. Alpha mosas share the same spawn timer as regular mosas. So you want to kill regular moses to force spawn the alphas. They have a % chance of spawning instead of a regular mosa when the server spawns refresh. If I kill all the mosas in the ocean and wait about 30 mins.
[mosa] Whats best stats to put on a Mosa? and are they any good …
2021年2月13日 · I always like the mosa as a big tough body guard that sometimes needs help with the tiny pain in the butts.....electrics will hassle mosa, so best not to ride him, but if you have him follow you while you clean out alphas, he is kinda like an underwater rex.....lotsa health, lotsa power, can go toe to toe with some of the bigger uglies.
Taming with a tusoteuthis!? - ARK - Official Community Forums
2017年1月18日 · Dragged a level 70 mosa into the shallows to test. I let him go. Mosa sat still because he was to high up to move. So, drag the mosa to shallow water and trank normally to ensure safety. It won't even fight back. We were laughing. Weare also taming numerous 145 dinos simultaneously. Our tuso, Rick Astley, got a lot of use today.
what to build on a Mosasaurus? - General Discussion - ARK
2016年5月4日 · So I got a spare mosa with a platform saddle and not sure what to build on it. Right now there is a failed cage attempt, the idea was to get a dunk to swim in and then trap it to tame. But the dunks are too big Not that they are hard to tame with their lousy turn radius, so was mostly a fun attem...
Underwater pen big enough for Mossaurus and megaladons, etc
2017年7月31日 · Hi, If you read my other recent post, you will know I recently asked how to tame a Mosa. I actually now have 2, and about 6 sharks. However, I now have a bigger problem. I have no way to store them safely without them getting attacked. Can anyone give me advice on how to build a big, cheap, effic...
US, EU and OC - MOSA-ARK™ 6Man 10x [PvP] Cluster! [INSTA …
2023年10月30日 · https://discord.gg/mosaark Brand New ARK Servers, Featuring: - 32 Slots for The Island US. - 20 Slots for The Island EU = 50 Slots for The Island OC - Custom Crafting - Custom Recipes - Custom Stacking - Custom Drops - 2 Hour Giga Raise With 2 Imprints - NeverWipe Across Maps All maps Clustered o...
where to find alpha mosasaurus? - General Discussion - ARK
2019年4月28日 · Or you could just try your luck on Rag and Center where they are much easier to get. On Rag in Viking bay there are tons as well as other spots in the south. On Center Mosa's are really too common and easy to find Alphas. The other option is to go to Extinction and find yourself a black pearl Gacha.
Sea king? mosa vs tuso vs basi - General Discussion - ARK
2017年4月22日 · go for 450 - 500 +/- melee and 40-50k hp on a mosa, with a 100 armor saddle which isnt all that rare from sea drops you can take out an alpha mosa 150 or several low alpha mosa back to back. basilo really needs high health in the east cave in case you get sandwitched by several dunky. this situation is the only weakness i know of for the basilo.
Mosa - General Discussion - ARK - Official Community Forums
2017年5月30日 · the mosa is maybe to op and the grabbing problem isnt a fault in the mosa but a coding mistake in all the grabbing animals. eels are fixed a long time ago, they dont buzz the mosa to death anymore. just have the mosa on neutral all the time and it will deal with them if you are pushed off. dont forget an xbow and some arrows.
Health or damage on Mosa for Alpha hunting? - ARK
2017年1月18日 · A medium to low health mosa with high melee will win against most alphas in one on one, but you then have to heal the mosa. Golgotha killed a level 70 Alpha, then a 45, then a 125 back to back in less than an hour.