Morisco - Wikipedia
In 1517, the word morisco became a "category" added to the array of cultural and religious identities that existed at the time, used to identify Muslim converts to Christianity in Granada …
Expulsion of the Moriscos - Wikipedia
Spain's Morisco population was the last population who self-identified and traced its roots to the various waves of Muslim conquerors from North Africa.
Morisco | Expulsion, Reconquista & Inquisition | Britannica
Morisco, (Spanish: “Little Moor”), one of the Spanish Muslims (or their descendants) who became baptized Christians. During the Christian reconquest of Muslim Spain, surrendering Muslim …
Morisco - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Moriscos es una adaptación peyorativa del adjetivo "morisco" que significa "pequeño moro" o "medio-moro", fue usada en 1517 para llamar a los musulmanes conversos en Granada y …
Morisco language and alphabet (alfabeto aljamiado) - Omniglot
Morisco alphabet. The Moriscos (Spanish for "Moor-like") were Muslims in Spain and Portugal who were forced to convert to Christianity at the beginning of the 16th century. Many Moriscos …
The fate of the Moriscos: The last remnants of Islam in Spain after …
2023年6月9日 · Morisco in Spanish means “little moor”, and refers to former Muslims and their descendants who were forced to change their faith by the Inquisition.
Morisco - New World Encyclopedia
In the first part of Don Quixote, which takes place before the expulsion of 1609-10, a Morisco translates a found document containing the Arabic history that Cervantes is described as …
Moriscos - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月8日 · MORISCOS MORISCOS. First recorded in 1500, the term Moriscos denotes Muslims who converted to Christianity [1] after the fall of Granada [2] in 1492. In effect, …
The Revolt of the Moriscos - History Learning Site
2015年3月17日 · The Revolt of the Moriscos was one of the first real challenges to Philip’s authority that he had to deal with within Spain. The Moriscos were converted Moors who held …
Morisco - Wikiwand
In Spanish America, morisco (or morisca, in feminine form) was used to identify a racial category: a mixed-race casta, the child of a Spaniard (español) and a mulatto (offspring of a Spaniard …