MJK Automation | Water Control & Measurement I Xylem Inc.
MJK offers level transmitters, flow meters & analytical instruments for process control of treatment plants, waterworks and industries.
We want to create a future without global water shortages - MJK
About MJK. MJK is a market-leading manufacturer of controllers, level- and flow-meters as well as analysis instrumentation for treatment plants, waterworks and industries worldwide.
MJK Automation | Niveaumåling, flowmåling, analyse & kontrol
MJK tilbyder niveaumålere, flowmålere & analyseinstrumenter til processtyring af renseanlæg, vandværker og industrier.
Vi vil skabe en fremtid uden global vandmangel - MJK
MJK er producent af styringer, niveau- og flowmålere samt analyseinstrumenter til renseanlæg, vandværker og industrier.
Welcome to our Download Center | MJK Automation
Here you find all available data sheets, manuals, software, certificates and much more for your MJK products.
Contact for measurement, monitoring and control of water - MJK
Contact MJK sales, service or support. Call (+45) 45 56 06 56 or send a message with your inquiry.
Kontakt for måling, overvågning og styring af vand - MJK
Kontakt MJK salg, service eller support. Ring på telefon (+45) 45 56 06 56 eller send en besked med din henvendelse.
MagFlux electromagnetic flow measurement | MJK Automation
MagFlux is used for flow measurements within wastewater. From incoming liquids with a high content of sludge to outgoing water. In many places, our MagFlux flow sensors are used to keep track of the amounts of wastewater that is moved from urban districts to larger treatment plants.
Global partners selling MJK products | MJK Automation
When MJK became part of Xylem, the company gained a global network, which today sells MJK products worldwide.
Flow measurement in pipes | Electromagnetic & open channel - MJK
we develop, produce and deliver both electromagnetic flow meters and open channel flow converter for the drinking and wastewater industry, as well as for industrial installations.