MINIX 3 is a free, open-source, operating system designed to be highly reliable, flexible, and secure. It is based on a tiny microkernel running in kernel mode with the rest of the operating system running as a number of isolated, protected, processes in user mode.
www:download:start [Wiki] - Minix 3
Jan 23, 2018 · Trying MINIX 3 is easy. You just download the compressed CD image file, decompress it, and burn it to a CD-ROM. This CD is a live CD. You can boot your computer from it and a few seconds later you log in as root. You do not have to …
www:getting-started:start [Wiki] - Minix 3
Jan 23, 2018 · Welcome to the MINIX 3 community. This page will help get you started. First, you will need either a PC or a virtual machine to run MINIX 3. While most of the installation procedure is the same, there are some diferences. If you are planning to install MINIX 3 on a hypervisor, please make a note of this page on virtual machines.
Minix 3 Wiki - start [Wiki]
Jul 10, 2021 · This is the MINIX 3 user manual and documentation. It is a wiki (like Wikipedia), which means you can edit it, add new material, and so on. With your help we can make MINIX 3 a very well documented system.
www:documentation:start [Wiki] - Minix 3
Jul 16, 2018 · The main documentation for MINIX 3 is the book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation 3/e by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull, Prentice Hall, 2006. The image at the right is a link to the book at amazon.com. This book discusses operating systems in general, and MINIX 3 in particular.
Documentation - Minix 3
The main documentation for MINIX 3 is the book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation 3/e by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull, Prentice Hall, 2006. The image at the right is a link to the book at amazon.com. This book discusses operating systems in general, and MINIX 3 in particular.
usersguide:start [Wiki] - Minix 3
Dec 15, 2015 · The Users Guide provides information on how to install and configure MINIX 3. If you're new to MINIX 3, you should start here. Part I: Getting Started
faq [Wiki] - Minix 3
Jul 7, 2020 · MINIX 3 is a small and free UNIX clone designed for very high reliability. It is especially well-suited for low-end PCs, resource-constrained systems, and embedded applications. It is available with all the source code, which makes it well-suited to classroom or self-study by people wanting to learn how an operating system works.
3. Installing to the Hard Disk - Minix 3
A complete MINIX 3 installation requires a Pentium (or compatible) with at least 16-MB of RAM, 1 GB of free disk space, an IDE or USB CD-ROM, and an IDE hard disk. A minimal installation (without the commands sources) requires 8 MB RAM and 50 MB of disk.
www:download:releasenotes-3.3.0 [Wiki] - Minix 3
Nov 19, 2014 · The new version, MINIX 3.3.0, has a number of key features: The system is based on a tiny (12,700 lines of code) microkernel The microkernel handles interrupts and message passing and is the only code running in kernel mode.