Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
Miami 21 takes into account all of the integral factors that make each area within the City a unique, vibrant place to live, learn, work and play. Six elements served as the lynchpins in the …
About the Miami 21 Zoning Code
The Miami 21 Zoning Code is a Form-Based Code guided by tenets of New Urbanism and Smart Growth (learn more about Current Planning Trends). All form-based codes share the same …
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
The Miami 21 Code has evolved with the City of Miami as its neighborhoods and the needs of its constituents have changed. These changes are reflected in amendments which are formal …
Miami 21 Zoning Atlas
During the planning phase of Miami 21, the City of Miami was divided into four quadrants (north, south, east, and west) for the purpose of studying the City, mapping the new zones, and …
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
HOW TO USE THE MIAMI 21 ZONING CODE Step1: Find your property on the Zoning Atlas. Copies of the Atlas can be found: online (on this website), in the Planning Department, and …
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
El plan de Miami 21 representa un Miami para el siglo 21 y es un enfoque integro hacia el desarrollo territorial y la planificación urbana. El plan proveerá una visión clara para la cuidad, …
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
The Miami 21 Zoning Atlas is the official Zoning Designation document of the City. However, as Miami 21 was adopted, a Geographic Information System (GIS) Application was developed to …
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
Miami 21 Zoning Code prioritizes building form (shape and bulk) over the regulation of use to allow for mixed-use development. The T4 zone is a new zoning category for Miami that allows …
Miami 21 tomará en cuenta la totalidad de los factores integrales que posibilitarán convertir cada área de la ciudad en un lugar exclusivo y vibrante donde vivir, aprender, trabajar y disfrutar.
Miami21: Your City, Your Plan
The City of Miami is pleased to present the results of a collaborative effort that represents a significant, far-reaching and historic milestone for the City of Miami. The vision for Miami’s …