meaning - What does 'to be maxed out' mean? - English …
Apr 23, 2014 · max out: to reach the limit of one's capacity, endurance, etc. I think the above definition may fit, though more details about the dialogue may help to understand the context.
Is 'max' a proper word for academic writing?
May 26, 2018 · From my technical editing experience, I suspect that at the minimum, "max" would be changed to "max." to indicate that it's an abbreviation for "maximum". This usage would be appropriate for circumstances where space is tight, as in a table cell or figure legend, for example. In the text, "max" would likely be changed to "maximum".
What is the origin of the phrase "Gag me with a spoon"?
May 27, 2014 · Like barfme out; gag me with a spoon. “Oh migosh! I'm getting a used four-wheel-drive. That's going to be like really, like a lot of money - I'm freakin' out, I'm sure. But, I don't know; like it's going to be like so cool, you know. Like see my …
Does "maximum" stand before or after a number? [closed]
Nov 11, 2021 · The word max is an informal [Lexico; Collins for the 'British usage'] or slang [AHD; Collins for the 'American usage'] word that is a whole word in itself. It could mean maximum (n. and adv.), maximal (adj.), or maximally (adv.). When you say "5000 max", you're using the adverb form of max, and could be read as "5000 maximum" or "5000 maximally."
phrases - Difference Between "May" and "May Opt" - English …
Aug 23, 2016 · @OnatDergin Your "opt out" option would be even more redundant: "The patient may opt to choose from the following, or may opt out." Consider "The patient may opt to choose between rice and vegetables for dinner, or may opt to let the nurse decide." He decides to decide which one he wants, or decides to not decide at all. –
What is the meaning of an expression "Tufted titmouse"?
Aug 30, 2019 · She insists Max has never hurt anyone, but when she sees the bruise on Shaun’s face, Alex says she needs to find a place for Max and there is no shame in finding help for her and Max. She fears Max will hate her. Shaun remembers the moment his foster mom tells him, he has to move out because she is very sick. Shaun tells her, “tough tit ...
Why is it called "to not pull any punches" and how did this phrase ...
Jun 20, 2015 · From Max Balthasar, “Papke Is Out of the Ring Now,” in the Salem [Oregon] Capital Journal (May 20, 1910): Papke’s work, or rather, lack of work, was the worst ever seen in a local [San Francisco] ring, and although many fakes have been pulled off here, his has all the others beaten by a mile.
"Within" and "in" when referring to time - English Language
Within is regarded as specifying an upper limit: within two days means maybe today, maybe tomorrow, but no later than two days from now.
capitalization - Should Units of Measure be capitalized? - English ...
If your statement is starting with a unit name, try to spell it out. The next thing to be remembered is units must always be represented in singular form. c = 25 cm. not. c= 25 cms. Unit symbols are not followed by a period unless it is end of a statement. "It is 25 cm. long" is the wrong way. "It is 25 cm long" is the correct way.
You say something but you don't really mean it: an adjective to ...
Mar 8, 2016 · You could call such an offer perfunctory, which indicates that an action or gesture is superficially carried out mainly as a matter of routine or expectation, rather than with sincere effort or meaning. It suggests that the offer is being made mainly to fulfill others' social expectations, rather than with the hope that it is accepted.