meaning - What does 'to be maxed out' mean? - English …
2014年4月23日 · max out: to reach the limit of one's capacity, endurance, etc. I think the above definition may fit, though more details about the dialogue may help to understand the context.
Is 'max' a proper word for academic writing?
2018年5月26日 · From my technical editing experience, I suspect that at the minimum, "max" would be changed to "max." to indicate that it's an abbreviation for "maximum". This usage would be appropriate for circumstances where space is tight, as in a table cell or figure legend, for example. In the text, "max" would likely be changed to "maximum".
What is the origin of the phrase "Gag me with a spoon"?
2014年5月27日 · Like barfme out; gag me with a spoon. “Oh migosh! I'm getting a used four-wheel-drive. That's going to be like really, like a lot of money - I'm freakin' out, I'm sure. But, I don't know; like it's going to be like so cool, you know. Like see my 4X4. and The William and Mary Review, Volumes 19-22
Does "maximum" stand before or after a number? [closed]
2021年11月11日 · The word max is an informal [Lexico; Collins for the 'British usage'] or slang [AHD; Collins for the 'American usage'] word that is a whole word in itself. It could mean maximum (n. and adv.), maximal (adj.), or maximally (adv.). When you say "5000 max", you're using the adverb form of max, and could be read as "5000 maximum" or "5000 maximally."
What does "pax" mean in the context of the apartment rental?
It may help to point out that one of the reasons for using Pax is simply to make report layouts easier. I was coding up those reports in the 70's, when things were a bit more constrained than today. I was coding up those reports in the 70's, when things were …
"Reschedule to" or "reschedule for"? - English Language & Usage …
2011年7月28日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What is etymology of the term "right up the Wazoo"?
2011年8月1日 · The etymology of the term is uncertain. I have always felt that up the wazoo implied a more unpleasant situation than out the wazoo, but I'm sure that is simply a matter of personal preference. [cough]. Wiktionary has identical definitions for each term, and also makes note of the similarity to the phrase up/out the ying-yang [sic]. up the wazoo 1.
etymology - Ne'er cast a clout till May be out. Meaning? - English ...
2014年5月20日 · These Cast not a clout till May be out quotes are weather related but it does not necessarily exclude @Josh61's hawthorne blossom reference is not also the origin: Cast not a clout—'till May be out.§ § The great prevalence of easterly winds during this month, appears to me the chief cause of this well-known injunction.
Why are Australian redheads often called 'bluey'?
2013年1月21日 · But the nickname goes back further, and can be found in the Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW), Saturday 22 October 1898, writing about "The Sydney Newsboys' Day Out": Quite a number made a little god of Mr. "Johnny" Coleman, who was entertained with songs by lads of the high-toned nicknames of "Jinks," "Chops," "Nipper," "Big Tommy ...
etymology - What is origin of the phrase "tits up" - English …
2024年11月4日 · tits up (esp. FAA) Lying on its back, i.e. broken or useless: *"We were due to launch at oh seven dubs, but the aircraft went tits up as we taxyed out.." From Marion Robertson, The Chestnut Pipe: Folklore of Shelburne County (1991) [quotation not shown in snippet window]: Tits up: To have fallen upon one’s back when drunk ...