Women’s Roles in Peoples Temple and Jonestown
2020年9月8日 · Maria Katsaris began her ascent to leadership in Peoples Temple in the letters office, which coordinated letter-writing campaigns conducted by the Temple. She eventually assumed the duties of a secretary in Peoples Temple, …
Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
“I was glad to finally see Maria's face and even hear her voice on short wave radio. I can't describe the feeling: happy and sad, and sorry that she died so young at 25.
Title: Jonestown Autopsies: Maria Katsaris Author: Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple Created Date: 3/8/2008 5:53:29 PM
Autopsies in the United States – Alternative ... - Jonestown
2024年4月24日 · Four other bodies – those of Maria Katsaris, Carolyn Moore Layton, Ann Elizabeth Moore and Laurence Schacht – were autopsied at the request of their families. The bodies of Violatt Dillard and Richard Castillo were selected at random.
Chapter 12 – “The Last To Die” - Jonestown
2013年3月11日 · Maria Katsaris stopped Tim and Mike Carter by the cage of Mr. Muggs, the chimpanzee. She told them Mike Prokes needed help with a suitcase. They had to go to Georgetown with him.
Imagination and History: Tape Q875 and the Day after the
2013年7月25日 · The survivor’s “first reaction” upon listening to tape Q875 was that the woman’s voice was that of Maria Katsaris, a young woman in Jim Jones’ inner circle who had taken over the care of John Victor Stoen.
Writings of Maria Katsaris – Alternative Considerations of …
2022年3月22日 · Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a MERLOT site (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.) This site houses a variety of PDF documents. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed.
Interview between Charles Garry and Maria Katsaris - Jonestown
Charles Garry interview with Maria Katsaris, September [blank space] 1978, in Jonestown, Guyana, S.A. Talking re molesting of Maria by Steve Katsaris… Charles Garry: As far as you know, you never had a discharge of his semen in your mouth, is that right?
Maria Katsaris letter to public officials, October 1978 - Jonestown
2024年1月5日 · My name is Maria Katsaris and I am twenty-four years old. Some weeks ago, my father, Steven Katsaris, said he contacted your offices regarding his demand to see me. I am currently living and working in Guyana, South America, at the Peoples Temple Agricultural project.
Maria Katsaris undated letter to father – Alternative …
2023年2月19日 · [Undated, handwritten letter from Maria Katsaris to her father, Steven A. Katsaris] P.O. Box 893 Georgetown, Guyana. Dear Pop, I was glad we talked the other night by phone patch because I hoped it would relieve some of your concern for me.