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Mahuika - Wikipedia
Mahuika is a Māori fire deity and consort of the god Auahitūroa. In some versions, she is the younger sister of Hine-nui-te-pō, goddess of death. It was from her that Māui (in some versions he is her grandson) obtained the secret of making fire. She married Auahitūroa and together they had five children, named for the … 展开
• Mahuika crater was a hypothesized impact crater named after her.
• She was depicted on coins issued in New Zealand in 2019. 展开CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Mahuika | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
2006年2月17日 · Mahuika is a Polynesian deity who gave fire to Māui the Deceitful, who destroyed her five children. Learn about her mythology, her role in different cultures, and her …
Mavuika - Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Mavuika is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact. Bearing the Ancient Name Kiongozi and known by her Goetic name Haborym, she is the current God of War and Pyro Archon …
毛伊 - 百度百科
- 波利尼西亚的神话人物
- 波利尼西亚的神话人物
玛薇卡 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
玛薇卡的名字取自毛利神话中的火神Mahuika,彗星之神Auahitūroa的妻子,半神Māui的祖母。 玛薇卡的魔神名“赫布里穆”(Haborym)是 所罗门七十二柱魔神 中第23位魔神艾姆(Aim)的别称。
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Mahuika - Marine Science Institute. The University of Texas at …
2014年4月27日 · The idea was born in 2003, when researchers discovered an impact crater on the sea floor near New Zealand. They named it Mahuika after a native god of fire. The crater is …
睡前读物——关于半神Maui的神话故事 - 百度百科
当Maui发现火已经在地球上失传,他找到了火神Mahuika,并向她提出一个交易,那就是Maui为Mahuika提供食物和水,作为回报火神要交出她那能生火的指甲。 实际上,这是Maui的诡计,因为无论Mahuika碰到什么都会燃烧化成火焰。
Mahuika, from the "Digital Marae" series · Brooklyn Museum
Mahuika is a fire goddess who is said to sit on a stool in the underworld. Reihana has replaced her stool with a chair designed by Marcel Breuer which she feels is ubiquitous especially in the …
《以燔燎铸名》中玛薇卡Mavuika人物原型考据-原神社 …
原神于2024年7月12日发布的PV《以燔燎铸名》中展示了纳塔地区的一位重要角色玛薇卡Mavuika,其人物原型可能来自于波利尼西亚群岛中原住民毛利(Māori)神话中的Mahuika,火之女神,毛伊岛(Māui)的祖先之一,彗星神Auahi-tu …