不锈钢中Si、Mn、Nb、Ti、Mo、Cu、N、C元素各代表:硅、锰、铌、钛、钼、铜、氮、碳。 不锈钢是不锈耐酸钢的简称,耐空气、蒸汽、水等弱腐蚀介质或具有不锈性
Modulating NH3 oxidation and inhibiting sulfate deposition to …
2025年1月15日 · The Mn-Nb interaction can promote lattice oxygen activation, increase surface-adsorbed oxygen species, and modulate the surface Mn 4+ content. By adjusting the ratio of …
Excellent mechanical and damping properties ... - ScienceDirect
2024年11月1日 · We propose a novel approach to tackle the intrinsic trade-off between the mechanical and damping properties of a cold-rolled Fe-17Mn-Nb alloy by tailoring the fraction, …
Journal of Alloys and Compounds - ScienceDirect
2019年5月30日 · Ti-Mn-Nb alloys show desirable mechanical properties for biomedical applications. A group of new Ti-7Mn-xNb alloys with Nb contents varying from 0 to 10 wt% …
Mn-inlaid antiphase boundaries in perovskite structure
2024年8月7日 · In contrast to common methods by complex chemical composition designs, we have formed Mn-inlaid antiphase boundaries in Mn-doped (K,Na)NbO 3 thin films using pulsed …
2016年7月5日 · 摘要: 采用Mn-Nb-B减量化成分设计的低碳贝氏体高强钢为研究对象,通过热模拟实验研究实验钢热变形行为和相变行为。结合中厚板生产线特点制定控制轧制与超快速冷却相 …
不锈钢中si、mn、nb、ti、mo、cu、n、c各代表什么元素呢?_百 …
2024年12月15日 · Mn:作为重要的合金元素,能改善钢的强度和韧性。 3. Nb:在不锈钢中起到细化晶粒、提高强度的作用。 4. Ti:主要用于稳定不锈钢的基体组织,防止晶间腐蚀。 5. Mo: …
Online & Mobile Banking | Minnesota National Bank
When you enroll in online banking, you’re able to access your accounts within our secure platform. Once you’re logged in, you can: Manage your accounts from your smartphone. Sign …
Hydrogen storage properties of Ti-Fe-Zr-Mn-Nb alloys
2023年3月25日 · In this work, the effect of Nb alloying on the hydrogen storage properties of Ti-Fe-Zr-Mn-Nb x (x = 0, 2, 4, 8) alloys is systematically investigated. The microstructure and …
Nb-doping in (Mn,Fe) 2 (P,Ge) giant magnetocaloric materials
2024年12月3日 · Due to the strong coupling between structure and properties, Nb substitutions can effectively tune T C of (Mn, Fe) 2 (P,Ge) alloys. As the Nb content increases, the thermal …