Po change me22n - SAP Community
Dec 10, 2011 · po change: I want to change fields of purchase order, other than mandatory fields in me21n. like purchase order header text,po item text,discount %,packing and forward charges etc. i know it will change throgh me22n but i dont want to give me22n authorisation to all. how to solve it.pls suggest me. Can we give change option in me23n, for header ...
BADI for Me21n/Me22n - SAP Community
Before answering You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster's problem. If you want the poster to clarify the question or provide more information, please leave a comment instead, requesting additional details. When answering, please include specifics, such as step-by-step instructions, context for the solution, and links to useful resources. Also, …
ME22n BADI - delivery date problem - SAP Community
HI I am working on a BADI for ME22N -- > IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST When user adds a new line item I need to track it.Is there any variable or table field which gives information that the line item I am refering to is a new line item user is adding and not an already existing line item.
Add new ICON on ME22N - SAP Community
155 Views Follow RSS Feed Hi All, Anyone know how to add NEW ICON on the input screen at the following location: /nME22N -> select one Purchase Order for Services -> select one Item Line -> at "Services" tab on Item Details Level -> Add new ICON behind "Serv. selection"
Avoid generating new record in message output tx ME22N
Currently in transaction ME22N a new record is created in the message output for each document version that is created. I must modify this functionality so that regardless of whether a new version was created, the value of a specific field is verified and, depending on this, a new record is generated or not in the output of the message. Any suggestions on how to perform this …
ME22N/ME23n - GUI Title - Dynamic Change - SAP Community
Dear All, Is there any way to change the GUI Title of PO screen in ME23n and ME22n. Currently it displays the PO number - Created by <user>. My requirement is to add a additional information of
Me22n purchase order validation not triggering In process_item
Dec 21, 2022 · Me22n purchase order validation not triggering In process_item 85 Views Last edit Dec 21, 2022 at 02:47 PM 2 rev Follow RSS Feed
BDC on ME22N - SAP Community
Hi Frnds, I am trying to do the BDC program for the trnasaction ME22N to undelete all the purchase order line items. Also I have to check "GOODS RECEIPT" check box, for the same line itme, w
Restricting Price change of PO in ME22N after MIRO
Dear Experts, I have a doubt regarding an issue. We have a requirement in ME22N that is if Invoice verification (MIRO) of particular material is done then it should not allow us to change the price of
Question Regarding Purchase Order change (ME22n) - SAP …
1) Change to any of the values of the fields in the transaction ME22n.