Corporate Strategy - Wall Street Oasis
2016年5月8日 · Then get an MBA and then transition into corporate strategy. Join a development program that will typically train you for a corporate strategy role. BlackRock , Capital One , American Express , JP Morgan , Morgan Stanley , etc all have 2-year entry-level programs to help you transition into corporate strategy within their respective frims.
MBA to F500 Corporate Strategy? - Wall Street Oasis
2013年3月28日 · F500 corporate strategy has piqued my interest. On the surface, it looks like a lot of F500 companies have one department for CS and corporate (or business) development…I have zero finance/ m&a background (math undergrad, 4 years consulting)…my questions are:
Post MBA Corp-Dev/Strat - Wall Street Oasis
2020年4月1日 · I want to reiterate my post supporting the anonymous comment about total comp $180-$240K. I joined Corp Dev post-MBA (at Senior Manager) at the higher end of that range ($225K, although I work in Tech in Bay Area).
Corporate/Tech Strategy Career Path, Post MBA? - Wall Street Oasis
2018年2月8日 · AMA: Corporate Strategy Manager at pre-IPO tech startup Hi everyone- WSO has been a tremendously helpful part of my career planning process over the past ... AMA- Alternative Path to F100 Corporate Strategy w/ Exit Details Took a different path to Corporate Strategy and have since exited (see below). AMA. * Grew up in ...
Exit Ops after Corporate Strategy - Wall Street Oasis
2017年8月13日 · What are some reasons why one would seek an MBA after working in Corporate Strategy / Development? ( Originally Posted: 01/27/2017 ) There are some obvious answers to this (e.g., a desire to move to banking or PE)-- I'm mostly interested in hearing the key motivators through someone's particular story (whether it's their own path, or that of a ...
Post MBA Oil & Gas Corporate Finance - Wall Street Oasis
2018年6月16日 · what realistic chances are corporate finance dudes really have at a top b-school. Here's a quick ... Assess my Chances for B-School gunning for a public finance position post-MBA. I am currently working on the west coast but am trying to ... and also which one is best for me: Yale, UVA, Duke, NYU, Michigan Thank you. business school mba...
MBA to Corp Strategy - Wall Street Oasis
2016年6月6日 · Director of Finance and Corporate Development: 2020 - Present Manager of FP&A and Corporate Development: 2019 - 2020 Corporate Finance, Strategy and Development: 2011 - 2019 "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
MBA Internal/Corporate Strategy Recruiting vs Consulting Recruiting
2017年4月10日 · I'm in the beginning stages of researching MBA programs to apply to and have some questions. (Currently, in a tech strategy consulting role). I'm planning on pursuing an Internal Consulting/Strategic Planning/Corp Strategy role, post-MBA, and I'm trying to figure out the best schools to target. Ideally, I would like to attend a top 10-15 program.
Why I think you should take a corporate strategy gig over …
2013年12月15日 · In my corporate strategy gig, everyone worked 40-45 hours (company standard), while I averaged 50-55. Those extra 10-15 hours really made a difference in the quality of work, helped me stand-out, and get promoted quicker.
Unorthodox Path to Corporate Strategy Position
2019年1月30日 · I know this is quite a bump but I've seen interesting combinations of corp strategy + corp dev at my pre-MBA company (worth $5-10B, MF Portco) where there's not one single ex-banker/consultant on the strategy team (a ton of ex operators, people with heavy industry knowledge w/ minimal modeling/casing skills). The head of the department was an ...