M79 grenade launcher - Wikipedia
The M79 grenade launcher is a single-shot, shoulder-fired, break-action grenade launcher that fires a 40×46mm grenade, which uses what the US Army calls the High-Low Propulsion System to keep recoil forces low, and first appeared during the Vietnam War.
M79: A game-changer in Vietnam War - Spec Ops Magazine
May 1, 2022 · M79 is a single-shot, shoulder-fire, break-action grenade launcher developed by Springfield Armory. It was the first weapon of its type ever produced. To keep recoil forces low, it is chambered to fire 40 x 46 mm rounds, usually known as the High-Low Propulsion System.
2025 ICD-10-CM Codes M79*: Other and unspecified soft tissue disorders ...
A type 1 excludes note indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as M79. A type 1 excludes note is for used for when two conditions cannot occur together, such as a congenital form versus an acquired form of the same condition.
M79 Osa - Wikipedia
The M79 Osa (from Serbian: оса, lit. 'wasp') is a Yugoslav-made portable 90 mm anti-tank weapon made of fibre-reinforced plastics. It resembles the French portable anti-tank launcher 89 mm LRAC F1. It consists of the launcher, a CN-6 sighting piece, …
MTA Bus Time: Route M79-SBS
M79 グレネードランチャー - Wikipedia
M79 グレネードランチャー は、 40mm 擲弾発射器 の一種である。 大口径 の 散弾銃 のような外観であり、 40x46mm の 榴弾 ・対人榴弾・ 発煙弾 ・散弾・ フレシェット弾 ・ 焼夷弾 などを発射できる。 暴動鎮圧 用に、非致死性の 弾薬 としてM651 催涙弾 (CSガス)・M1006スポンジ弾・M1029 ゴム散弾 がある。 高低圧理論 を応用する専用弾であるために反動が抑えられ、 …
M79 - 나무위키
정식 명칭은 M79 grenade launcher (M79 유탄발사기). 이 외에 "Thumper", "Thump-Gun", "Bouncy Joe", "Bloop Tube", "Blooper", "Wombat Gun" (호주 군인들이 붙인 별명) 별칭이 있다. [1] ' 수류탄 을 손으로 던지는 것보다 총알 처럼 쏴보면 더 안전하고 더 멀리 나갈 수 있지 않을까' 하는 발상에서 개발된 무기이다. 잘 알다시피 수류탄은 일반 보병 들에게는 가장 위협적인 팀킬 이 가능한 …
M79 - DayZ Wiki
The M79 is a launcher in DayZ. It is chamberable with 40mm Explosive Grenades, 40mm Smoke Grenades and 40mm PO-X Grenades. It was added in patch 1.23.
Súng phóng lựu M79 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Súng phóng lựu M79 (thường được gọi là Thumper/Blooper) là một loại súng phóng lựu do Hoa Kỳ sản xuất. Nó xuất hiện trong suốt cuộc chiến tại Việt Nam, M79 đầu tiên được phục vụ quân đội Mỹ năm 1961. M79 được thiết kế cho bộ binh phóng lựu, …
Pirkumus veikt interneta veikalā M79 ir droši, jo mēs piedāvājam kvalitatīvu zīmolu preces un visām precēm ir vismaz 2 gadu garantija. Lai atvieglotu Jūsu dzīvi – mums ir savs garantijas …