Zinc - Wikipedia
Zinc is a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature and has a shiny-greyish appearance when oxidation is removed. It is the first element in group 12 (IIB) of the periodic table .
Zinc | Zn (Element) - PubChem
Metallic zinc was produced in the 13th century A.D. India by reducing calamine with organic substances such as wool. The metal was rediscovered in Europe by Marggraf in 1746. He demonstrated that zinc could be obtained by reducing calamine with charcoal. Zinc is a bluish-white, lustrous metal.
Zinc - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table
Represented in the periodic table as Zn, zinc is a transition metal, grouped with cadmium and mercury. With the middling atomic number 30, it has five stable isotopes of atomic weight from the dominant zinc 64 to zinc 70, plus an extra 25 radioisotopes.
Zinc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is in the group of metals called the transition metals. It is sometimes considered a post-transition metal. Its symbol on the periodic table is " Zn ". Zinc is the 30th element on the periodic table, and has an atomic number of 30. Zinc has a mass number of …
Zinc Element Facts - chemicool.com
It is a fair conductor of electricity, and burns in air with a bright bluish-green flame producing white clouds of the oxide. Zinc is used to galvanize iron to inhibit corrosion. Zinc forms many alloys with other metals such as brass, German silver, nickel silver, typewriter metal and solders.
Zinc Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey
Sphalerite, zinc sulfide, is and has been the principal ore mineral in the world. Zinc is necessary to modern living, and, in tonnage produced, stands fourth among all metals in world production - being exceeded only by iron, aluminum, and copper. Zinc uses range from metal products to rubber and medicines.
Kẽm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Kẽm là nguyên tố kim loại chuyển tiếp có ký hiệu là Zn và số nguyên tử là 30. Kẽm là nguyên tố đầu tiên trong nhóm 12 của bảng tuần hoàn. Kẽm là nguyên tố phổ biến thứ 24 trong lớp vỏ Trái Đất và có 5 đồng vị bền [4].