约 19,100 个结果
Is Lucifer a proper name of Satan according to Isaiah 14:12?
isaiah - The Latin word lucifer in the Vulgate - Biblical …
isaiah - Is Lucifer really Satan or has history been unfair to St ...
Why is Isaiah 14:12-15 interpreted by some to refer to Satan?
hebrew - In Isaiah 14:12 did the King James translator make a …
Why, in Ezekiel 28, is the King of Tyre conflated with Lucifer?
Genesis 3:1 - "serpent" or "shining one"?
hebrew - Is the root chosen for translation in Isaiah 14:12 for helel ...
What is the oldest manuscript evidence for the name Satan and its ...
Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 Interpretation - Biblical Hermeneutics …