Lua Scripting Starter Guide - Community Tutorials - Roblox
2019年11月24日 · Lua Scripting Starter Guide Author: @DarkSinisterPVP Helper(s): @Supersaiyan122 Author’s Note <details><summary>Click to open the letter</summary>Picking up programming and learning it for the first time works just like any other hobby–art, music, sports, photography, etc.–although, it may be difficult to know where to start as a beginner, especially …
Is Lua easy to learn? - Scripting Support - Developer Forum - Roblox
2021年1月2日 · I’ve been making games for the past 2 years but lua was always something I didn’t really come in contact with I always asked a friend or hired someone to do it, recently I felt like I should learn it and do it myself instead is it easy enough to learn? I know simple commands and codes but no hard ones. Thanks in advance
The Basics of Luau and what you need to know - Roblox
2021年11月23日 · Hi! So being in a couple Roblox help groups its pretty clear that starting out its very hard to understand, even some basic stuff which should be self explanatory. There are most likely a TON more tutorials on here but i’m making my own in words that a starter scripter can understand. Before we get started i should mention both that things are most likely missing …
Scripting Basics - Beginner guide to lua and Roblox
2019年10月1日 · Numbers, 1, 2, 3, and anything else. In a lot of other programming languages numbers can either be an integer (a whole number), or a float/double (which store numbers with decimals, kind of like scientific notation). Lua numbers can contain decimals. You can use fractions too, by dividing: 1/5 = 0.2. Variables and functions
What is the difference between Lua and Luau? - Roblox
2023年2月26日 · At the beginning of my development progress in the Roblox platform, I only could design and build architectures for personal projects while using for the most part free models/tutorials on how to create systems that allows specific things to happen as expected… Yet, I decided to myself that it is best to learn to code and understand the structures, …
Learning Roblox LUA - Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox
2021年10月26日 · You can familiarize yourself with Lua syntax using Programming in Lua (Online Edition). This is the official learning guide for Lua, and understanding it will help you in your journey for Luau literacy. For everything you learn in Luau, I recommend learning its actual documentation and practices (either from Lua.org or another trusted site). Do ...
Luau Goes Open Source! - Announcements - Developer Forum
2021年11月3日 · When Roblox was created 15 years ago, we chose Lua as the scripting language. Lua was small, fast, easy to embed and learn and opened up enormous possibilities for our developers. A lot in Roblox was built on Lua including hundreds of thousands of lines of internally-developed code that powers Roblox App and Roblox Studio to this day, and the …
Is learning roblox LUA worth it in 2024? - Scripting Support ...
2024年11月7日 · The case of Lua being “replaced” by AI is really the case for every single programming language (e.g., Java, Python, etc.). However, AI can only program basic stuff with little to no errors, such as a loop that prints odd numbers from 1 to 20 (this is the most basic example I could think of; obviously there are more complex examples, which ...
Lua Learning Official Website! - Community Resources - Roblox
2020年3月25日 · Lua Learning Website What is Lua Learning? Lua Learning is a community-driven platform (in a Roblox game) created and designed to interactively teach users how to program in Lua, all for free! It is front page Top Rated as well as featured on the new Learn & Explore sort! It features an interactive lessons system similar to that of Codecademy, nearly …
How to learn lua (0 experience) - Scripting Support - Roblox
2024年8月1日 · How to learn lua (0 experience) - Scripting Support - Roblox ... Loading ...