Dumb question about LogFC : r/labrats - Reddit
2018年1月5日 · if LogFC if 0.05, then your actual fold change is 1.0353... which is effectively 1, or rather, no significant change. To convert a logFC value, simply use it as the exponent of two: 2 logFC. In Excel, use the function "=2 x". To convert a FC value, take the log2. In Excel, use function: "=log(x,2). (where x = the cell with your data). Hope that ...
What is an appropriate cutoff for p-values and log fold ... - Reddit
2023年8月26日 · Increasing log2(?)-FC from 0.5 to 2 will diminish the number of genes, not increase. Most tend to go with logFC of 0.26-0.58 which represents a FC of 1.2 and 1.5 respectively. I personally go with 1.2 because a 20% change in expression could reasonably result in biologically meaningful effects.
Differential gene expression - logFC : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2020年5月30日 · If i take logFc > 1 , there is a significant number . But how can i say that those genes are differentially expressed, they can be in their normal range of expression. Just because I'm changing my cutoff from 1.5 to 1 it would mean something or it will be another mistake I'll be doing to consider them differentially expressed where in case they ...
Understanding Log2FoldChange - Help! : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2022年5月18日 · If you don’t have access to the code and someone else ran in it then you can try the following: use the normalized table, take the mean for each group to get 2 vectors, log2 transform the mean vectors, do disease - healthy, then plot the logfc values against what you just computed. They shouldn’t be exact but you should see a trend.
How do I interpret MA plots?? : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2023年3月13日 · This is the correct answer. MA plots were initially developed for microarrays, where M is a symbol for log ratio (or log2 fold change) and A is the mean average of log-transformed counts/signal.
GSEA - ranking metric? : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2022年8月1日 · I’ve used this metric, but more recently switched over to using -log(raw p value)*sign(logFC) because I generally have a lot of ties in the adjP values (which leads to arbitrary rankings). I recall reading this being recommended by the author of the fgsea package but I can’t find the biostars post.
Ranking metrics for fgsea : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2021年12月1日 · Hello, Previously when using fgsea I have ran it using genes based on a composite score: -log10(padj) * log2fc.
How is msmsTests logFC calculated? : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2021年6月28日 · This is available under lFC.Av, but under logFC, I get back another value. According to the test.results definition, it is the "log fold change estimated by fitting the given GLM model. The reference level of the main factor is taken as control".
Question stupide à propos de LogFC : r/labrats - Reddit
2018年1月5日 · Posted by u/AnonBiomed - 5 votes and 7 comments
Is edgeR logFC base e, 2, or 10? : r/bioinformatics - Reddit
2018年3月14日 · Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series