Linton Kwesi Johnson - More Time - YouTube
Artist - Linton Kwesi Johnson;Album - More Time (1999);Track - More Time
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Topic - YouTube
Linton Kwesi Johnson OD, also known as LKJ, is a Jamaica-born, British-based dub poet and activist. In 2002, he became the second living poet, and the only black one, to be...
Linton Kwesi Johnson Songs, Albums, Reviews, B... | AllMusic
Born in Jamaica, based in England, he is a talented reggae singer, writer, and poet; originator of the "dub poetry" style. Sometimes this happens. Please try refreshing the page. AllMusic provides comprehensive music info including reviews and biographies. Get recommendations for new music to listen to, stream or own.
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Apple Music
Linton Kwesi Johnson's 1978 debut sparked a reggae revolution. It established him the first dub poet by combining his socially conscious poems with reverb-drenched tracks overseen by producer Dennis Bovell.
L.K.J - YouTube
LKJ Linton Kwesi Johnson was born on 24 August 1952 in Chapelton, a small town in the rural parish of Clarendon, Jamaica. He came to London in 1963, went to ...
Linton Kwesi Johnson Discography: Vinyl, CDs, & More | Discogs
Linton Kwesi Johnson (aka LKJ), born 24 August 1952, Chapelton, Clarendon, Jamaica and move to Brixton, London, UK at 9 so is a British-based author and dub poet. In high school, he joined the English "Black Panther" who helped him create a poetry workshop and then joined a small group of percussionists and poets, the "Rasta Love".
科普:铁路人常提到的LKJ装置和数据是什么意思 - 搜狐
Oct 13, 2023 · LKJ设备就是列车运行监控装置,简称LKJ,是我国列车运行控制系统体系的组成部分,可用于防止列车冒进信号、运行超速事故,辅助机车司机提高操纵能力,是重要行车设备之一。 有熟悉英语的同学想问列车运行监控装置应该翻译为:Train operation monitoring equipment,是怎么翻译成LKJ的? 其实LKJ的命名远没有那么洋气。 LKJ系统没有英文全称,而是采用拼音的首字母:L是“列车”,K是“控制”,J是“监视”。 实际上,我国国产系统大多简称都是 …
干货|LKJ系统详解 - 哔哩哔哩
Apr 7, 2024 · LKJ包括装设于机车、动车组上的主机、人机界面单元 (显示器)以及与之配套的速度和压力传感器、信息输入、信息输出和连接设备等。 LKJ的相关设备包括装设于机车、动车组上的本/补切换装置、机车安全信息综合监测装置 (TAX装置)、轨道信息接收单元 (机车信号)、应答器接收单元 (BTM)、机车语音记录装置、列车运行状态信息系统 (LAIS)车载设备,机车车号自动识别设备、无线调车灯显设备以及无线调车机车信号和监控系统 (STP)等。 主机为系统控制中心,采 …
LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置(三大件之一) - 知乎
LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置(简称监控装置),是以保证列车运行安全为主要目的的列车速度控制装置。 该装置在实现安全速度控制的同时,采集记录与列车安全运行有关的各种机车运行状态信息,促进了机车运行管理的自动化。 监控装置系统由车载设备和地面设备系统组成。 其中车载设备包括一个主机箱、两个显示器、事故状态记录器 (选件)、速度传感器、压力传感器以及 双针速度表 等组成。 监控装置主机采用双机主从热备冗余的工作方式。 监控装置的执行措施是:当 …
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Jamaican Reggae Poet | uDiscover Music
Aug 27, 2020 · Linton Kwesi Johnson is a UK-based Jamaican dub reggae artist who has collaborated extensively with reggae producer Dennis Bovell.