Vallejo gunmetal (left) vs Citadel Leadbelcher (right) for ... - Reddit
2022年9月17日 · I seriously believe Leadbelcher is a top 5 citadel paint (I won't count their new contrast or shade lines because those are incredible too). However, Vallejo brings it so hard on their metallics. I just wish they had a gold with some …
Why Leadbelcher? : r/Warhammer40k - Reddit
2023年10月9日 · If you are having trouble with the Leadbelcher spray you could try the Colour Forge metallic silver spray; it is colour matched to Leadbelcher. I have bought a can and primed a few models but not yet actually put paint on top of that yet, so I don’t yet know if it behaves better than Leadbelcher as a primer. However, it is a fair bit cheaper.
Priming models with leadbelcher? Is it worth it?
2021年7月6日 · However, although plenty of people have had no problem with it, the Leadbelcher rattlecan is the only one that I have ever had issues with, and it was the same issue across multiple cans. What I've run into, even with optimal spray humidity, temperature, and shaking the everloving hell out of it, is that many times I will get spots that just ...
Leadbelcher primer : r/Necrontyr - Reddit
2022年6月11日 · What I do for my Necrons is prime leadbelcher, paint on a thinned-down layer of leadbelcher to any spots where gray shows through, dry brush on necron compound, then apply a wash of whatever color. Prime leadbelcher gives something for paint leadbelcher to stick to in hard to reach spots, recesses, etc. and then the necron compound being a dry ...
Leadbelcher spray as primer? : r/Necrontyr - Reddit
2021年1月4日 · Leadbelcher spray works great if you want only leadbelcher. If you want any other colour anywhere else, just spray black and paint leadbelcher by hand with a large brush. Paint leadbelcher over black is easy. Painting anything over leadbelcher spray takes about 3 coats to get solid colour. My first batch of necrons I tried spraying leadbelcher.
Shout out to this pot of Leadbelcher that lasted me from April
2021年1月4日 · It's a really good dark metal, which Games Workshop's range lacked before. Trying to use Nuln Oil to tint Leadbelcher darker only had mixed success for me (it was terrible for large flat surfaces), though using a thinned amount of the contrast Black Templar does still work for that - I actually use that over Iron Warriors to make even darker black metals, too.
Good alternatives to leadbelcher that work well with the other …
2021年4月29日 · Runefang steel and Stormhost Silver are nice paints, but leadbelcher just doesn't seem to work for me. I am still painting my armies and i don't want to have a completely different silver paint for my Necrons and Blood Angels after painting a small amount of them.
Is there any difference between Lead Blecher and Iron Hands Steel?
187 votes, 32 comments. true. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds.
Paint Question: Leadbelcher + Nuln Oil or Iron Warrior
2022年1月11日 · I use both for my color scheme currently, leadbelcher for the spine and joints and iron warrior for the shoulder pads. When washed with nuln oil, the iron warrior is lighter than the lead Belcher, but they are noticeably different in shade. Both have been pretty good for me.
Runefang Steel Steel Vs. Leadbelcher : r/Warhammer - Reddit
2022年3月22日 · You can use runefang steel for edge highlighting. For instance, when painting silver armor you could start with leadbelcher, then apply nuln oil as a wash and finish by highlighting the edges with runefang steel. This gives the impression of reflections of light and looks a lot better compared to just models without such details.