Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation - Lake Rim Park
Whether you want to take a stroll on the one-mile border trail through the wetlands to Bone Creek, play a game of soccer with friends, or have a family picnic, Lake Rim Park offers something for everyone.
Facilities | Parks and Recreation
Park Hours: 7 am-Dusk Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-5 pm. Whether you want to take a stroll on the one-mile border trail through the wetlands to Bone Creek, play a game of soccer with friends, or have a family picnic, Lake Rim Park offers something for everyone.
Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation - Lake Rim
Lake Rim. 1455 Hoke Loop Road [ map] Mon.-Fri. 1-9 pm; Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 2-5 pm . 910-433-1175. There is a program/meeting room, game room, full kitchen and gymnasium. The …
LAKE RIM PARK (910) 433-1018 Park Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PICNIC PAVILION RULES AND GUIDELINES NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES NO ILLEGAL DRUGS ALLOWED NO GANG COLORS OR SIGNS 1. Lake Rim Park DOES NOT provide water or electrical hookups at the picnic shelters.
3.1 WEB - Activity Search
Search Results Showing results 1-25 of 542. Buddy Sports - Soccer - 171604. 2 Sections
Lake Rim CW Shelter - Facility Information - register.fcpr.us
Location Details Lake Rim Park 2214 Tar Kiln Drive Fayetteville, NC, 28304 (910)433-1018 Facility: Lake Rim CW Shelter
Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation - Summer Camps
Summer Adventures Camp (Lake Rim Park) Campers will develop outdoor adventure skills like kayaking, fishing, archery and rock climbing. Your child will learn about nature and explore the environment while having fun and building confidence.
Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation - Picnic Pavilions
Lake Rim Park - 2214 Tar Kiln Drive This facility is on Old Raeford Road between Reilly and Cliffdale Roads. Amenities include picnic areas, walking trails, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, multipurpose field, soccer and football fields and playgrounds.
LRP Senior Kayak Tour 4-10 - Activity Information
Lake tours are perfect for those trying kayaking for the first time and seasoned paddlers looking to relax on the water. All the equipment and basic instruction for beginners will be provided. We recommend beginners participate in a lake tour before going on a kayak trip.
Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation - Contact Us
Lake Rim Recreation Center 1455 Hoke Loop Road 910-433-1175: Lake Rim Park 2214 Tar Kiln Drive 910-433-1018: Myers Recreation Center 1018 Rochester Street 910-433-1570: Massey Hill Recreation Center 1612 Camden Road 910-433-1569: J.S. Spivey Recreation Center 500 Fisher Street 910-433-1572: