Knee, Hip, and Leg Support for Dogs | Labra Dog Support Devices
Labra specializes in premium lightweight canine products that provide knee, hip, and leg support for dogs, allowing for happy and active lives, regardless of age.
Dog Support Harness | Labra Dog Support Devices
The experts at Labra have created a dog support harness that’s perfect for helping mobility-impaired canines regain movement, regardless of age.
Canine Support Products: Orthopedic Braces For Dogs
Labra specializes in premium, lightweight canine support products that allow all dogs to enjoy their happy, active lives, regardless of age.
Canine Dual Knee Brace | Labra Dog Support Products
The Labra Canine Dual Knee Brace is the two-leg version of our Canine Knee Brace. It is made specifically for dogs needing support and stability to both knees. Our knee brace has a rigid metal hinged splint support system which will provide a high level of support to your dog's knee while allowing them to remain mobile.
Frequently Asked Questions: - Labra
Labra specializes in premium, lightweight canine support products that allow all dogs to enjoy their happy, active lives, regardless of age.
Canine Support Sling | Labra Dog Support Products
A canine support sling from Labra can help improve your dog’s quality of life by relieving the aches and pains that come from injuries and age.
How to use the Labra Canine Back Brace
Labra specializes in premium, lightweight canine support products that allow all dogs to enjoy their happy, active lives, regardless of age.
How to put on the Labra Canine Knee Brace
Labra specializes in premium, lightweight canine support products that allow all dogs to enjoy their happy, active lives, regardless of age.
About us - Labra
Labra specializes in premium, lightweight canine support products that allow all dogs to enjoy their happy, active lives, regardless of age.
Canine Knee Brace | Labra Dog Support Devices
Labra is proud to offer our complete line of canine knee braces that allow your dog the freedom and mobility they deserve to enjoy life to the fullest.