2024 LATM Conference - lamath.org
Whether you’re a classroom teacher, coach, administrator, teacher-in-training, or math specialist, the LATM Conference has something for you.
Leading the way to excellence in mathematics teaching and …
Active members are all those who have expressed interest in Mathematics teaching and learning in Louisiana, as educators, supervisors, administrators or curriculum specialists. Student …
The LATM Journal is a refereed publication of the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics (LATM). LATM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics …
Early data from LEAP 21 and the ITBS on mathematics performance persuaded LDE assistant Superintendent Billy Crawford to enlist LaSIP staff in establishing a state mathematics task force.
numerous secondary and college level mathematics teachers demonstrating this technique to their students and in each case the students are asked to recall how they learned to divide …
together in the mathematics department or go to the library where they would research and discuss topic related to their own investigation. The role of the faculty member during this time …
1. Briefly describe how you view your position as a classroom teacher of mathematics in Louisiana. 2. Briefly describe the value you see in attending the 2023 LATM/LSTA Joint …