The LSAT - Law School Admission Test
The primary part of the LSAT is a four-section, multiple-choice test. It’s important you familiarize yourself with the different types of LSAT questions so you can optimize your test preparation and put yourself in a position to succeed.
Official LSAT Practice Tests - The Law School Admission Council
The online Official LSAT Prep ® available through LSAC LawHub ® enables you to immerse yourself in a simulation of taking the four-section LSAT. You’ll be able to do everything you can do during the actual exam — ruling out answers, highlighting …
Upcoming LSAT Dates - The Law School Admission Council
Below you will find the LSAT test dates for the 2025-2026 testing year. Registration for these administrations will open in mid-May. At that time, we will also provide updated information, including registration deadlines.
The Law School Admission Council | LSAC
The LSAT Advantage Why the LSAT? How to Prepare; Retaking the LSAT; Find Test Dates and Register
Getting Ready for Your LSAT - The Law School Admission Council
Whether you take the LSAT remotely or at a test center, the test will be administered online through LSAC’s LawHub site and proctored by Prometric. You can log into LawHub using your LSAC username and password.
Login - LSAC
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Search for Law Schools – LSAC Official Guide | The Law School …
Using LSAC’s Official Guide, you can search for schools by location, keyword, and UGPA/LSAT combination to find the best law school for you. Each school profile also provides links to the institution’s most up-to-date information on admission …
• These data summarize valid LSAT scores and undergraduate GPAs for all applicants to one or more ABA-accredited law schools for the year noted. • All applicants must have a valid LSAT score, GPA, and major listed to be included.
YTD US Applicants from Region/State of Permanent Residence Gender Gender Last Year Current Year Percent Change Man 20,450 24,956 22.0% Woman 29,664 35,516 19.7%
The table below shows the ungrouped high LSAT scores of 2025 ABA applicants with the percent change from last year. Please use the percent-change data with caution, as smaller cell counts may affect the reliability of