细菌的外衣——脂多糖LPS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide, LPS)是革兰氏阴性细菌外膜的重要成分,对细菌的生存和致病性具有重要影响。 LPS位于细菌外膜的外层,在无荚膜菌株中直接暴露在细胞表面。
Cytosolic LPS-induced caspase-11 oligomerization and activation …
2023年7月25日 · Caspase-11 (Casp-11) is known to induce pyroptosis and defends against cytosol-invading bacterial pathogens, but its regulation remains poorly defined. Here, we identified extended synaptotagmin 1 (E-Syt1), an endoplasmic reticulum protein, as a key regulator of Casp-11 oligomerization and activation.
脂多糖(LPS)与蛋白亲和力测定的几种方法:SPR、ITC、BLI …
糖萼的降解能使 HMGB1 或细菌外膜囊泡 (OMVs) 更高效的向胞浆内转运脂多糖 (LPS),使得 caspase-11 的活化显著增强。而肝素 (Hep) 或非抗凝活性肝素 (NAH) 恰能有效的抑制肝素酶的活性,从而阻止糖萼的降解(下图)。
Caspase-11 cleaves gasdermin D for non-canonical inflammasome …
2015年9月16日 · Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the bacterial pathogen-associated molecular pattern that promotes caspase-11 activation 7, 8. Cytoplasmic LPS can directly bind to and...
Hierarchical cell-type-specific functions of caspase-11 in LPS …
2021年4月20日 · Our comparative analysis in B. thailandensis infection and endotoxemia models uncovered differential cell-type-specific roles of caspase-11 in antibacterial protection versus lethal inflammation; caspase-11 sensing of LPS in LyzM + myeloid cells plays a more critical role in antibacterial host defense than in lethal endotoxemia. The role of ...
Inflammatory caspases are innate immune receptors for intracellular LPS
2014年10月9日 · Caspase-11 activation-induced pyroptosis, in response to cytoplasmic lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is critical for endotoxic shock in mice. The mechanism underlying cytosolic LPS sensing and the responsible pattern recognition receptor are unknown.
Inflammatory caspases are innate immune receptors for intracellular LPS
2014年8月6日 · Caspase-11 activation-induced pyroptosis, in response to cytoplasmic lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is critical for endotoxic shock in mice. The mechanism underlying cytosolic LPS sensing and the...
LPS Number 11 | Littlest pet shop collector's Wiki | Fandom
LPS #11 is a paw up cat that was initially released in a Pet Pairs pack alongside LPS #12, with a green vine/orange flower perch swing. It was also released in a Singles pack, carry case (alongside LPS #1 ), and spring basket (alongside LPS #6 , #3 , and #13 )
LPS的胞内受体Caspase_11的研究进展_罗炳生 - 道客巴巴
近年来,一种称为含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶 11(cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase,Caspase-11,Casp-11)的发现,使我们不得不重新思考和认识机体如何识别 LPS 并对其产生反应 .
Shorthair Cat 011 | Littlest Pet Shop Collector's Wiki | Fandom
LPS Shorthair Cat #11 is orange with airbrushed white markings on the snout and paws, white inner ears, a dark orange nose, dark orange airbrushed markings on the face, and light green eyes. This pet was first released in 2005 as a Pet Pairs pack with Parakeet #012, and included a swinging perch...