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Program Schedule – TWM Today's Worship Music - KTLR
7:00am 8:00am Discipuladao; 8:00am: 9:00am: Faith Memorial Baptist Church: 9:00am: 10:30am: As for Me and My House Otrell Law : 10:30am: 11:30am: Conociendo El Evangelio
Contact – TWM Today's Worship Music - KTLR
K T L R RADIO AM 890, FM 103.7 and STREAMING AT ktlr.com. K T L R Radio is Today's Worship Music with block programming on weekends. (30 minutes or hour segments available for purchase) What’s your need? Contact Mike Miller at Office: 405-429-5066 • Cell: 405-245-5005 • EMAIL: [email protected] for AVAILS and RATES.
Events – TWM Today's Worship Music - ktlr.com
KTLR Coverage Map; Listen Live; Tyler Media; Events. No event found! Shortcut Links. Home; Events; Contact; KTLR Coverage Map; EEO; KTLR Public Inspection File; KKNG Public Inspection File; For assistance with our PIF contact Mike MIller; KTLR FCC Application; KKNG FCC Application; Listen Live.
KTLR Coverage Map – TWM Today's Worship Music
KTLR Coverage Map . Listen to Today’s Worship Music on 890AM, 103.7FM, or streaming worldwide! 890AM covering central Oklahoma. 103.7FM covering north eastern Oklahoma City. CLICK HERE to stream KTLR. Shortcut Links. Home; Events; Contact; KTLR Coverage Map; EEO; KTLR Public Inspection File;
The Third Opinion – TWM Today's Worship Music - KTLR
KTLR Radio mourns the loss of longtime show contributor, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Schrick, who passed away Wednesday morning, April 10, 2024. She truly was an Okie from Muskogee where she was born on May 23, 1946. She was the first of eight children born to Helen Dee Smith and William Clarence Smith.
Greg Ward’s Community Talk – TWM Today's Worship Music
Greg Ward keeps your weekly programs coming on KTLR with Greg Ward’s Community Talk, Sundays at 9:30am and has worked at KTLR as a weekday producer since 2010. He graduated from the OCCC and UCO with degrees in broadcasting.
El Atalaya por Cristo – TWM Today's Worship Music - ktlr.com
KTLR Coverage Map; Listen Live; Tyler Media; El Atalaya por Cristo. If you missed a show or would like to listen again, just click on the show link below. 1-11-25ElAtalaya 1-18-25 El Atalaya 1-25-25El Atalaya 2-1-25 El Atalaya 2-8-25El Atalaya . Shortcut Links. Home; Events; Contact;
The Rusty Mic – TWM Today's Worship Music - KTLR
Ken Johnson talks with Oklahoma’s best and brightest from 4 to 5pm Weekday Afternoons on Community Talk Radio – KTLR on AM 890 / FM 103.7 and Streaming at ktlr.com. Celebrating my 40th year in radio and still learning from my coworkers.
AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE – TWM Today's Worship Music
Feb 1, 2025 · OTRELL LAW preaches the Good Word weekends on KTLR during “As For Me and My House.” Saturdays at 9am and Sundays from 2 to 4pm, right here on Today’s Worship Music, KTLR 890 AM and 103.7 FM. Listen to past shows below.