约 2 个结果

Re: Selby Family, Montgomery C - Genealogy.com
2001年10月7日 · Oxley posted in the Oxley fam genforum.After a quick initial search for Kron(e)/Cron(e), and for Karn(e)(s)/Carn(e)(s) possibilites, I rec'd a copy of the original will, about a month ago.I was quickly able to gather info on Karr/Carr fam, as there were several posts by desc's in various websites.Polly's last name did not readily appear to be ...
Volga Germans of Ellis County, - Genealogy.com
2003年4月30日 · Raymond KRONEWITT's first cousins Peter and Frank Kronwitter moved to the U.S.--Peter in 1903 and Frank in 1904. Peter and his wife Dorothea BOOS returned to RUSSIA in 1924 and died there. ONE of their daughters Anna Kron (e)witter and her husband John DECHANT moved to the Peace River valley of Alberta in 1915.