Open for Innovation | KNIME
Bring data & AI solutions to your organization, safely. KNIME is a single platform for end-to-end data science. Beyond building workflows, commercial teams leverage KNIME to ensure sensitive data is kept safe, analytics and AI models are validated and monitored, and results are verified and explainable.
KNIME入门中文教程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一、介绍 KNIME Analytics Platform是用于创建数据科学应用程序和服务的开源软件。KNIME直观,开放,不断整合新的开发,使人们可以理解数据,设计数据科学工作流程和可重用组件。 借助KNIME Analytics Platform,…
Download - KNIME
KNIME Analytics Platform is a free and open source low-code/no-code software that allows anyone, irrespective of experience levels, to make sense of data.
KNIME 简介、生态圈以及资源 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
注: 文中的图片因为微信公众平台的某些原因, 本应该是透明背景的图片, 变成了其他颜色. 可以点击文章左下角的 “阅读原文” 跳转网站查看 knime knime 简介 恭喜你选择了 knime!有时我甚至想,如果我在进入数据科…
Knime入门简单实践 - CSDN博客
Oct 24, 2020 · knime是一款功能全面且易于使用的开源数据分析平台,凭借其模块化设计、强大的数据处理能力和丰富的可视化工具,在多个领域展现了卓越的应用价值。无论是初学者还是专业数据科学家,都可以通过knime高效地完成复杂的数据分析任务,并推动业务决策和科学研究的发展。
KNIME快速入门指南 | Knime - coderoom
#扩展和集成. 如果要向KNIME Analytics Platform添加功能,则可以安装扩展程序和集成。可用扩展包括KNIME提供的免费开源扩展和集成,以及社区和商业扩展提供的免费扩展,包括我们合作伙伴提供的新颖技术节点。
KNIME - Wikipedia
KNIME (/ n aɪ m / ⓘ), the Konstanz Information Miner, [2] is a free and open-source data analytics, reporting and integration platform.KNIME integrates various components for machine learning and data mining through its modular data pipelining "Building Blocks of Analytics" concept. A graphical user interface and use of JDBC allows assembly of nodes blending different data sources ...
Software overview - KNIME
Perform analysis at any level of sophistication, from data prep to leveraging AI/ML including LLMs Generate workflows automatically with a genAI assistant and get guidance when you are stuckEliminate repetitive and manual data manipulation with automated workflowsAccess and blend data from any source, whether from your desktop or from any major database or data warehouseExplore your data with ...
95.9 KNI'M Country
95.9 KNIM Country in Maryville, MO. Mental Health Cooperative Board looking to expand. The Northwest Missouri Mental Health Cooperative Board is preparing to expand the cooperative to include Atchison and Andrew counties, according to the Maryville Forum.
KNIME Community Hub
Solutions for data science: find workflows, nodes and components, and collaborate in spaces.