Dual-way counter intercom-bank window intercom | KNTECH
KNDJ-1 is an dual-way counter intercom which can keep high-fidelity in any window to chat. It adopts United States’ most advanced chips with unique design and the stringent quality management. It reaches the highest standard performance in sound quality, volume, anti-jamming, anti-whistls.
Find out all of the information about the HONGKONG KOON TECHNOLOGY LTD product: audio intercom KNDJ-1. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供音频对讲机产品详细信息。规格型号:KNDJ-1,公司品牌:HONGKONG KOON TECHNOLOGY LTD。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选音频对讲机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
河南新乡耀源振动机械设备有限公司--是较早研制 提升机 、振动筛的厂家之一,专业设计、生产各种 斗式提升机 、振动筛分机、皮带输送机、螺旋输送机等设备。 经过多年发展,在耀源人的不断努力、创新下,使耀源具有多种提升机和通用机械的设计、生产能力。 新乡耀源机械设备公司--是“振动机械生产基地”—新乡,回头用户较多的新乡 斗式提升机厂家 之一,在经历多次行业洗牌后,耀源机械以及时的售后服务、丰富的技术经验和合格的产品质量取得了诸多行业用户的认可,并在激 …
ar design, make it smart, beautiful and elegant. Internal and external connections using a four-core, high-strength pull-resistant, fully shielded foil line, stronger anti-interference, coupled with …
Window intercom-manufacturer&suppliers - KNTECH
we are the window intercom manufacturer and suppliers. KNDJ-01 is an electronic intercom system which can keep high-fidelity in any window to chat. It adopts United States’ most advanced chips with unique design and the stringent quality management.
Manufacturer Dual-way counter bank Intercom one-to-one …
KNDJ-01 is an electronic intercom system which can keep high-fidelity in any window to chat. It adopts United States’ most advanced chips with unique design and the stringent quality management. It reaches the highest standard performance in sound quality, volume, anti-jamming, anti-whistle…
昆仑窗口对讲机 KNDJ-2. 窗口对讲主机外观金属色,表面采用不锈钢壳体,分机采用塑料电镀壳体(分机可选配三角分机或金属分机) 主机采用对讲专用喇叭,自带超长( 37cm )金属软管话筒,更方便与分机实现自由双向对讲。
粮食提升机_粮食提升机价格/图片/参数/工作原理_新乡提升机械设 …
Aug 17, 2024 · 粮食提升机也称TD皮带 斗式提升机,简称斗提机,主要用于玉米粮食、水泥、型砂、碎矿石、炉渣等颗粒,块状物料的提升输送,常用型号有: TD100,TD160,TD200,TD250,TD315等.提升高度:6.5—30米,TD皮带斗式提升机用一般输送带的输送距离小于20米以内的,钢丝绳芯带,提升高度可达40米高.与板链式提升机相比,具有价格低,操作方便等特点.提升机型号有四种料斗Q型(浅斗)、H型(弧底斗)、ZD型(中深斗)、SD型(深斗)。 由运行部分(料斗与牵引胶 …
Intercomunicador bidireccional de ventana - KOON TECH
KNDJ-01 es un sistema de intercomunicación electrónica que puede mantener una alta fidelidad en cualquier ventana para chatear. Adopta los chips más avanzados de Estados Unidos con un diseño único y la estricta gestión de calidad. Alcanza el más alto rendimiento estándar en calidad de sonido, volumen, anti-jamming, anti-silbato ...