Why do Brazilians use "kkkk" to indicate laughter?
kkkkk saudades do orkut, tentei explicar pra uma francesa aqui q nos anos 2000 a gente nao ria "kkkkk" ia falar que no orkut era AKSJDKJHFASKDFJHAK mas fiquei com vergonha e disse q …
Where does kkkkk come from? : r/Portuguese - Reddit
People who use "kkkkk" every day don't need to know its origins to use it. They might even ignore the origins completely. The fact that you don't know the origins, however, does not mean that …
what does “kkkkkk” mean? : r/Portuguese - Reddit
Nov 9, 2022 · "kkkkk" comes from spoken language, not the internet. It's a debaucherous way of laughing. In Brazil it's what we'd call "gaitada" nowadays. Might not actually be said by people …
What are the origins of using kkkkkk for hahah : r/Portuguese
Jan 23, 2023 · Brazilians always used huehuehue or kkkkk, I asked them about it and they said it's because of the words that mean laughing or something. Others have gone further into it in …
Brazilians, why do you laugh with "kkkkk"? - Reddit
Kkk is a version of an older way of laughing you could find in old comics "qua qua qua". It turned into cá cá cá with time, but for a short period, thus people don't remember it. As internet …
When do you use “kkkk” and when do you use “rsrsrs ... - Reddit
Nov 8, 2022 · personally I've seen kkkkk more, rs not so much. the amount of letters and capitalization will tell you how much laughter is conveyed (KKKKKKKKKKK vs kkkkk vs rs …
What is the meaning of "kkkkkkk"? - Question about ... - HiNative
Nov 20, 2019 · Definition of kkkkkkk Jajaja. It's the most common way to laugh in Brazil.|it's when we are laughing about something idk if it's right but is like lol|Risadas|Is like "Jajajaja"|Significa …
What does “kkkkkkkk” mean lol : r/Portuguese - Reddit
Whether you're a beginner seeking to learn the basics or an advanced learner aiming to refine your skills, r/Portuguese offers a supportive environment where users can exchange …
Why do brazilians laugh like KKKKK? : r/asklatinamerica - Reddit
"Kkkkk" is, basically, "cácácácá", that sounds like "hahahaha" ("rarararara" for us), with an easier pronunciation. And using "lol" or "lmao" is something emotionless than several "Ks" written in a …
What is the significance behind "kkkkkkk"?? : r/brasil - Reddit
translation "kkkkk" was already used in spoken language in Rio de janeiro during most of the twentieth century. my grandma, which was born in 1911, used to use this expression with the …