Kerodon is an online textbook on categorical homotopy theory and related mathematics. It currently consists of a handful of chapters, but should grow (slowly) over time. It is modeled on …
an online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics. Forage Part 1: Foundations. Chapter 1: The Language of $\infty $-Categories; Chapter 2: Examples of $\infty $-Categories; Chapter 3: …
Part 1 (0000): Foundations—Kerodon
An online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics. $\Newextarrow{\xhookrightarrow}{10,10}{0x21AA}$ 1 Foundations Structure. Chapter 1: The …
Subsection 4.3.3 (016K): Joins of Simplicial Sets—Kerodon
4.3.3 Joins of Simplicial Sets. Our next goal is to extend the join operation of Definition to the setting of $\infty $-categories (and more general simplicial sets). We begin with a slightly …
1 The Language of $\infty $-Categories - Kerodon
1 The Language of $\infty $-Categories. A principal goal of algebraic topology is to understand topological spaces by means of algebraic and combinatorial invariants. Let us consider some …
Tags explained - Kerodon
Tags explained The tag system. Each tag refers to a unique item (section, lemma, theorem, etc.) in order for this project to be referenceable. These tags don't change even if the item moves …
Section 1.1 (0004): Simplicial Sets—Kerodon
(see Remark §1.1.1, we prove a partial converse: from a collection of sets $\{ S_{n} \} $ and face operators $\{ d^{n}_{i}: S_{n} \rightarrow S_{n-1} \} $ which satisfy (), we can uniquely …
Subsection 1.3.5 (0035): The Nerve of a Groupoid—Kerodon
An online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics. We refer the reader to [] for a more detailed discussion (including an extension to the setting of topological groups).. Proof of …
Subsection 1.2.1 (00G5): Connected Components of Simplicial
Kerodon $\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$ about; changes; recent comments; bibliography. next. statistics. comments (0) Part 1: Foundations Chapter 1: …
Chapter 3 (00SY): Kan Complexes—Kerodon
An online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics. where $\operatorname{Fun}'( \operatorname{\mathcal{S}}, \operatorname{\mathcal{C}})$ denotes the full ...