KDevelop - A cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, …
KDevelop is a fantastic multi-project IDE, open multiple projects inside of one session and decide the order in which they can be built. KDevelop is a good fit for large scale software projects like KDE or Qt where development happens across several inter-connected frameworks and libraries.
Download - KDevelop
About the releases: KDevelop is part of KDE Gear, which are released typically 3 times a year en-masse.The text editing and the syntax highlighting engines are provided by KDE Frameworks, which is updated monthly.New releases are announced here. * The release packages contain the latest version of KDevelop and KDE Frameworks. ** The nightly packages are automatically …
KDevelop 5.6.1 released - KDevelop
Dec 11, 2020 · an incompatibility of kdev-python with Python versions earlier than 3.9.0 was fixed, which led to instability, support for gdb 10.x was fixed, an issue in the "Run test" feature was fixed with tests launched by the same executable (377639), several crashes on exit while debugging was fixed (425994, 425993, 425985),
Kdev-Python - KDevelop
Jul 3, 2014 · After about two years of development and 894 commits, I'm happy to announce the first stable release of kdev-python! kdev-python is the Python language support plugin for KDevelop, which provides syntax checking, code completion, quickopen support, and much more for the Python scripting language.
KDevelop for Windows: Official 5.0.1 beta installer available now
Oct 9, 2016 · Today, we are happy to announce the availability of the first official KDevelop installer for Microsoft Windows. The installer is for the stable KDevelop 5.0.1 release, but we still release it as a beta, since there might be Windows-specific issues.. The installer contains the standard C++ and QML/JS language plugins, as well as the Python and PHP plugins, such …
kdev-python 1.4 released! - KDevelop
Nov 25, 2012 · After about two years of development and 894 commits, I'm happy to announce the first stable release of kdev-python! kdev-python is the Python language support plugin for KDevelop, which provides syntax checking, code completion, quickopen support, and much more for the Python scripting language.
KDevelop 4.7.4 released - KDevelop
Dec 13, 2016 · http://download.kde.org/stable/kdevelop/kdev-python/1.7.4/ Many thanks to everyone involved in this new release! ChangeLog for kdevplatform v1.7.4
Kdevelop - KDevelop
May 19, 2018 · Due to a regression in kdev-python 1.7.2-py3 related to module search paths, I have prepared a new release which fixes this issue. All users of the 1.7-py3 series, especially the 1.7.2-py3 version are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.
KDevelop 4.7.0 Released - KDevelop
Sep 13, 2014 · C++ language support based on Clang providing code completion on the usage of std::vector.](/sites/kdevelop.org/files/kdev-clang-codecompletion.png) Similarly, we are in the process of extending CMake upstream to get more information out of it directly.
kdev-python 1.5 and 1.4.2 released - KDevelop
May 3, 2013 · Half a year after the first stable release, I'm happy to announce the release of kdev-python 1.5 today, which brings Python support to KDevelop 1.5. Together with 1.5, I release the second (and last) update for the 1.4 series which contains two backported crash fixes.