Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor - KAPE
Feb 14, 2019 · KAPE is a robust, free-software triage program that will target a device or storage location, find the most forensically important artifacts (based on your needs), and parse them within a few minutes. Because of its speed, KAPE allows investigators to find and prioritize the systems most critical for their case.
EricZimmerman/KapeFiles - GitHub
KAPE is an efficient and highly configurable triage program that will target essentially any device or storage location, find forensically useful artifacts, and parse them within a few minutes. KAPE can be downloaded HERE .
Kroll Artifact Parser And Extractor (KAPE) | Cyber Risk | Kroll
Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) is an efficient and highly configurable triage program that will target essentially any device or storage location, find forensically useful artifacts, and parse them within a few minutes.
KAPE - SANS Institute
Download KAPE, built by SANS Instructor Eric Zimmerman, a Kroll Artifact Parser/Extractor: Flexible, high speed collection of files as well as processing of files.
使用KAPE自动化采集并分析Windows取证数据 – Zgao's blog
KAPE(Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor)用于获取和解析 Windows 取证所需的数据源。 KAPE 是一款功能强大的免费软件分类程序,它将针对设备或存储位置,自定义获取重要的取证工件,并在几分钟内对其进行解析。
GitHub - AndrewRathbun/Awesome-KAPE: A curated list of KAPE …
Mar 15, 2021 · In line with other Awesome GitHub repos, Awesome-KAPE serves as a curated list of KAPE-related resources, including but not limited to blog posts, videos, and links to relevant GitHub repos. Official KAPE Links
KAPE | TryHackMe — Walkthrough. Hey all, this is the forty
Mar 25, 2024 · In this room, we will get an introduction to Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) for collecting and processing forensic artifacts. Link: https://tryhackme.com/room/kape
Resources for KAPE | Cyber Risk - Kroll
Jan 15, 2021 · This page houses official documentation relating the Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE). It will also contain the latest KAPE news, as well as webcasts, case studies, tutorials and other training materials. For any KAPE related questions or assistance with customizations, please contact [email protected].
Kape is a leading digital security provider focused on privacy, offering a range of solutions and expert advice to protect consumers' digital lives. With over 7 million subscribers and 1,000 employees globally, Kape is dedicated to safeguarding your online presence.
Remote collection of Windows Forensic Artifacts using KAPE and ...
Sep 14, 2023 · KAPE, a digital forensic tool created by Eric Zimmerman, is designed for collecting and parsing forensically useful artifacts. It is freely available for educational and internal company...
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