KAIG-KCB BANK TRAINING-HOMA BAY Transforming and empowering investment groups by choosing the right investment opportunities and how to mobilize capital. Let’s meet in our next investment training in a town near you
KAIG Achievements – Kenya Association Of Investment Groups
2017年2月3日 · In order to capitalize on the numbers and thirst of Kenyans investing together, KAIG formed a commercial wing in 2009 which is a limited liability company; Amalgamated Chama Limited (ACL), with the mandate to harness investments from ALL the KAIG Members. KAIG has 51% voting rights in ACL.
KAIG CHAMA HANDBOOK 2016 – Kenya Association Of …
2017年2月3日 · KAIG CHAMA HANDBOOK 2016. Attached Files. File Action; 0kaig e-version(3).pdf: Download: KAIG CHAMA HANDBOOK 2014 KAIG CHAMA HANDBOOK 2013. 4 Comments. mitchelle njoki March 13, 2017 @ 10:41 am hello, is it possible to institute proceedings against members for breach of a self-help group’s constitution? the self-help …
- [PDF]
The focus of KAIG and this Handbook is those Chamas that come together specifically for investment purposes. By aggregating the funds of a large number of small investors into specific investments (in line with the objectives of the inves-tors), an investment group gives individual investors access to
Services – Kenya Association Of Investment Groups - KAIG
Through these questions KAIG will analyze the needs of investment groups and individuals and make referrals to the partner based on the availability of a solution for their query. CALL US 0729025905
(KAIG) is the legally recognized non-profit or-ganization training and advocating for the in-terests of the thousands of Chamas in Kenya. One key pressing membership need over the years has been for a one-stop reference manual for our membership. It is on this premise that the 2nd Chama Hand-book has been published, to build on the 1st
Contact Us – Kenya Association Of Investment Groups - KAIG
KAIG Events; Chama Groups; Close Menu. Contact Us. Contact Us. Kindly Feel Free To use the contacts Given . Our Customer care line is always open. Our Address. 1st Floor, Room 103,Mercantile House (next to Cianda House) Koinange Street P.O. Box 48525 -00100, Nairobi. [email protected]. 0727 987096. Everyday 8:00am -5:00pm EAT. Contact. Name . Email .
Downloads – Kenya Association Of Investment Groups - KAIG
2019年4月15日 · KAIG Events; Chama Groups; Close Menu. Downloads . Recent Posts. CHAMA LEADERSHIP; STEPS ON HOW TO MANAGE CONFLICT IN A CHAMA; BEST PLACES TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE; INVESTING IN AGRIBUSINESS; Doss and Donts of Investment Groups; Recent Comments. admin on KAIG CHAMA HANDBOOK 2016;
About – Kenya Association Of Investment Groups - KAIG
KAIG Events; Chama Groups; Close Menu. About Us. About K.A.I.G. Providing efficient, value added services in the promotion of formal organization, best practice and profitable investments for investment groups.
KAIG is looking forward to work seam-lessly with investment banks so as give investment groups and clubs a new platform of maximizing the profitability of their investments. The main services that investment bank-ing is used for include; 1) Trading and promoting securities: the cash or other securities are traded in transactions. This is commonly