Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home.
What is Kahoot! | How to play Kahoot!
Jun 5, 2019 · What is Kahoot!? Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms, offices and living rooms!
Kahoot! app | Free Kahoot! learning app for iOS and Android
Create, play and share learning games with the Kahoot! app for iOS, macOS & Android wherever you are! Make your lessons, presentations or gatherings more engaging with the Kahoot! app. Use Kahoot! to spark interaction with quizzes, polls, brainstorms, puzzles and slides.
Kahoot! login – Kahoot! Help & Resource Center
2 days ago · Kahoot! login: use your username, email, or single sign-on service to log in to Kahoot!. Start creating and hosting your kahoots! 💡 This article covers logging in via a web platform. For instructions on logging in to our mobile app go here.
Crea un juego – Centro de ayuda y recursos Kahoot!
¿Cómo hacer un kahoot? Te guiaremos por todos los pasos y te mostraremos algunos consejos extra para ahorrarte tiempo...
新学年の学びの楽しさを新発見するために ... - Kahoot!
AIを活用したKahoot! クリエイター:AIで問題を生成して時間を節約し、授業計画を簡略化します。 新しいゲーム化された学習体験: 新しいゲームモード、カスタマイズ可能なキャラクター、テーマ、クラス特典で学習意欲を最大化。 学生パスの拡張:学生が ...
Create a game – Kahoot! Help & Resource Center
Dec 12, 2024 · How to make a kahoot? We’ll take you through all the steps and show you a few extra tips to save you time. Check it o...
Introducing Kahoot!+ Make learning awesome for the entire family
May 19, 2021 · Kahoot!+ includes three plans – Home, Family, and Premier. They include a set of features and apps to make learning awesome for your entire family and help you connect with friends and other family members in-person and virtually.
Awesome learning for the entire family with Kahoot!+
Explore a library of 100+ million ready-to-play kahoots created by our community with exclusive collections from Disney, Marvel, and more within Kahoot!+ AccessPass included in Kahoot!+ Gold. Brain teasers, trivia, general knowledge – you name it!
Kahoot! EDU für die Schule – Kahoot! Hilfe- und Ressourcen-Center
Kahoot! ist eine spielbasierte Lernplattform, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, Multiple-Choice-Quizze, sogenannte "Kahoots", zu erstellen, zu teilen und daran teilzunehmen. Es wurde entwickelt, um das Lernen unterhaltsam und fesselnd zu gestalten.