Kv10.1 K (+) channel: from physiology to cancer - PubMed
This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of research on the role of Kv10.1 channel in physiopathology. Focus is placed on biophysical and pharmacological properties of Kv10.1 channel, as well as its cycling, trafficking, and its …
Potassium channels: Novel targets for tumor diagnosis and ...
Kv10.1 is a standard tumor marker that is overexpressed in approximately 70% of human tumors and cancer cell lines, and channel inhibition reduces tumor growth . Chloroquine, as a Kv10.1 channel inhibitor, can inhibit outward potassium currents in …
The Kv10.1 Channel: A Promising Target in Cancer - PubMed
2022年7月30日 · Among all ion channels, the voltage-gated potassium channels Kv10.1 have been established as a promising target in cancer treatment due to their high expression in tumoral tissues compared to low levels in healthy tissues. Keywords: Kv10.1; hallmarks of cancer; oncochannelopathies; oncogenic channel.
Kv10.1 potassium channel: from the brain to the tumors
The KCNH1 gene encodes the Kv10.1 (Eag1) ion channel, a member of the EAG (ether-à-go-go) family of voltage-gated potassium channels.
Kv10.1 K + channel: from physiology to cancer - Springer
2016年1月8日 · This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of research on the role of Kv10.1 channel in physiopathology. Focus is placed on biophysical and pharmacological properties of Kv10.1 channel, as well as its cycling, trafficking, and its role in the neuron and cancer.
Guiding TRAIL to cancer cells through Kv10.1 potassium channel ...
2016年6月27日 · Kv10.1 is a voltage-gated potassium channel, which has been identified as a tumor marker several years ago. The agent consists of a Kv10.1-specific single-chain antibody fused to the soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (scFv62-TRAIL).
Potassium Channels as a Target for Cancer Therapy: Current …
The Ether à go-go (Eag (hERG); Kv10.1) K + channel expression is typically restricted to the adult brain and the heart, but it has been detected in several cancer cell lines and tumor tissues from patients, 62, 63 showing it to influence cell proliferation.
Rapid Internalization of the Oncogenic K+ Channel KV10.1
2011年10月12日 · KV10.1 is a mammalian brain voltage-gated potassium channel whose ectopic expression outside of the brain has been proven relevant for tumor biology. Promotion of cancer cell proliferation by KV10.1 depends largely on ion flow, but some oncogenic properties remain in the absence of ion permeation.
Functional KV10.1 Channels Localize to the Inner Nuclear Membrane
2011年5月3日 · We show that K V 10.1 is expressed at the inner nuclear membrane in both human and rat models; it co-purifies with established inner nuclear membrane markers, shows resistance to detergent extraction and restricted mobility, all of them typical features of proteins at the inner nuclear membrane.
In humans, Kv10.1 is encoded by the KCNH1 gene, locat-ed at 1q32.132.3. This is a relatively large locus for a potas- sium channel, with 11 exons and large introns. The gene spans over more than 500,000 bp. Four alternative transcripts have been identified in the human channel.