Just got the KV-3, any tips I should know how to run it, and
2012年4月15日 · The crazy MM values of the KV-3 don't certainly help and it just feels like tier 6 heavies and mediums are cannon fodder for tier 8 tanks most of the time. When they're top tier they just ... own. The few times I've been top tier with an ARL-44 or …
Should the KV-3 (Object 223) be added eventually? : r/Warthunder …
The KV-3 (Obj. 223) is was another Soviet HT prototype that was passed over for the IS series instead. From what I’ve read on multiple websites, what exactly happened to this prototype are unknown, some say the turret was swapped out for a standard KV turret and sent to the front, or if it was just simply destroyed or scraped.
KV-3 or IS? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2022年7月21日 · Well sorry than, but IS-7 is also in the line of IS-7, the wording is confusing. IS-3 and IS-8 are questionable tanks for sure, but stock grind is easier and they share modules with KV/ST, so it's recommended to first go through this line.
IS or KV3? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2021年7月5日 · Go to the KV-3 line for the IS-4. The KV-3 itself is mediocre as hell, but the KV-4 is awesome. The ST-I.... Save up as much free XP as humanly possible. Like, don't spend a single point of it on anything before grabbing all the upgrades, especially for the turret and guns. The IS-4 is phenomenal.
KV-3 or IS : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2020年11月21日 · KV-3: underrated imo. It can sidescape hella good, has a good turret, non-large cupola, and a good gun (don’t fuggin use the 400α ones guys cmon) as well as good frontal armor for a KV tank. The tanks after it also have really good armor all around. IS: The only thing good about it is the alpha and the mobility. Kind of a pos imo.
The KV-3: Why She's Currently Unfit for Tier 7 and What I ... - Reddit
2018年1月23日 · Moving on, here's a problem that's rather short and simple: the bad view range. While view range is one of the native disadvantages of heavy tanks, 340 metres gives the KV-3 the worst vision of any heavy at tier 7 . Finally, the last chapter in the KV-3's unfortunate story is the current nature of matchmaking in World of Tanks.
Is the KV-3 bad? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2023年8月26日 · I would call the KV-3 a slower IS with better side armor. Cannon is like the IS. Either you hit everything or nothing. Typical 122mm shotgun. Equipment: hardening, turbo (bounty if you have), rammer. I myself found the KV-3 quite comfortable. Even better than the IS. But I also had really good games with the KV-3.
KV-3 best gun options : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2023年1月5日 · The 122mm is by far the best gun on the KV-3, and you need to unlock it to get the KV-4 anyway. It is a waste to rush to the IS-2-2 and sell the KV-3 before you have everything unlocked because you’ll just be losing out on the credits needed when you eventually want to go back and get the KV-4.
KV3 or IS? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2021年1月13日 · IS has the same if not better armour profile, with the same gun and better mobility. Only upsides of KV-3 seem to be : Easier to sidescrape (angle your side to bounce) as there is no wedge like front And maybe hulldown as no cupola. If the tanks are to be compared directly (without considering the line), IS definitely wins 9 times out of 10.
KV-3 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2017年5月19日 · The KV-3 at least has armor, where the IS feels like a slow medium. The only benefit the IS has is when you're bottom tier you can get to support medium positions easier. When you're bottom tier in the KV-3, just go try and annoy people with HE, its really the best you can do in most situations.