King Township Minor Hockey
kingminorhockey.com powered by MBSportsWeb. In 1837, the colonial citizens of King Township, frustrated by government corruption and British oppression, marched on the City of York, in an attempt to overthrow the British garrison and create an independent country.
Seasons > 2024-2025 (King Township Minor Hockey)
This page lists all the teams, leagues, and tournaments created for the 2024-2025 season.
Schedule & Results (King Township Minor Hockey)
Schedule & Results, U13B, KTMH (King Township Minor Hockey)
King Playoff Challenge Cup, KTMH (King Township Minor Hockey)
Welcome to the official tournament website for the King Playoff Challenge Cup, hosted by King Township Minor Hockey - King Minor Hockey. Our event runs Jan 17-19, 2025, with the following divisions: U11AA, U11B, U12A, U13AA, U13B, U14AA, U14A, U15AA, U16BB, U18BB
KTMH > U14A (King Township Minor Hockey)
We are happy to announce our coaches for the additional 2024/25 representative teams: Tom Caravaggio - U8MD Matthew Rossetto - U9MD Rick Moriarty- U11A AJay Dhamrait - U12A Eugene Renzetti - U13 A/BB - (Division to be determined) David Giancola - U14 A/BB - (Division to be determined) John Fiacco - U16BB Claudio D’Ulisse - U18BB
KTMH > King Playoff Challenge Cup > Schedule & Results (King …
Schedule & Results, King Playoff Challenge Cup, KTMH (King Township Minor Hockey)
King Minor Hockey (King Township Minor Hockey)
This year we have 2 opportunities for the kids that are looking for even more development and want to work towards the rep program. York Simcoe has added 2 programs U7CPP and U9CPP which are select teams where you would play on your local league team and in addition would have this extra practice per week.
KTMH > King Playoff Challenge Cup > Information (King Township …
kingminorhockey.com powered by MBSportsWeb. King Playoff Challenge Cup January 17 - 19, 2025 OMHA Sanction # 16105 TOURNAMENT PLAY
King Playoff Challenge Cup, 2022-2023, KTMH (King Township …
Welcome to the official tournament website for the King Playoff Challenge Cup, hosted by King Township Minor Hockey - King Minor Hockey. Our event runs Feb 3-5, 2023, with the following divisions: U9MD, U10A, U11A, U11BB, U12A, U12AA, U13A, U15A, U16A, U18A