104.7 KDUK | #1 Hit Music Station
©2023 KDUK FM This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Persons with disabilities with questions related to the content of the public file for this station may contact The Operations Manager at 541-284-3662 or by E-mail by clicking Here!
On Air | 104.7 KDUK
G-Off. G-Off was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and has been on the radio in Portland, Seattle, Medford, Eugene, Denver, and more. Married and father of 3 (1 son & 2 daughters) who loves being outside and family and friends, exploring new places… trying a new food truck… or binging a show that he is a couple years late on.
KRKT-FM, Albany, OR . KTHH(AM), Albany, OR Reporting Period: 9/21/2023– 9/20/2024 No. of Full-time Employees: More than 10 Small Market Exemption: No The information required by FCC Rule 73.2080(c)(6) is provided in the charts that follow. INITIATIVES . The employment unit engaged in the following broad outreach initiatives in accordance with
KLOO-FM, Corvallis, OR KRKT-FM, Albany, OR KTHH(AM), Albany, OR Reporting Period: 9/21/2022– 9/20/2023 No. of Full-time Employees: More than 10 Small Market Exemption: No The information required by FCC Rule 73.2080(c)(6) is provided in the charts that follow. INITIATIVES
Features | 104.7 KDUK
HOME; See Our Playlist; Concerts; Auction; On-Air Staff; Facebook; Instagram; twitter; More. Contests; Community Calendar; E-Deals; Contact Us. Advertise with us ...
TJ Show | 104.7 KDUK
View this profile on Instagram. The TJ Show (@tjpodcast) • Instagram photos and videos. Privacy Policy; Terms & Conditions; Public File; Contact us
PBR Eugene | 104.7 KDUK
W in tic kets with Cliff Cage after 2PM to PBR – Pendleton Whiskey Velocity Tour at the Matthew Knight Arena, Apri l 4 th & 5th. Experience the electrifying adrenaline rush of PBR! This is your chance to witness both rising bull riding talents and established superstars going head-to-head with powerful bucking bulls in this must-see competition!
Clear Your Cart | 104.7 KDUK
We all know the best gifts are the ones we pick ourselves, so KDUK is going to clear YOUR Amazon cart with the gifts YOU want! Listen at 8:20 AM, 12:20 PM, & 4:20 PM for the daily keywords. When you hear them, text the word to us at 541-345-1047 to get entered.
Rogue Reindeer | 104.7 KDUK
This Holiday season, something magical and a little mischievous is happening at 104.7 KDUK! Santa’s favorite reindeer has gone rogue and scattered his present bags right here at our station! Starting December 9th through the 20th, tune in at 12:20pm and 4:20pm for your chance to win some amazing surprises that Santa left behind.
I Am King | 104.7 KDUK
Start the new year off at Seven Feathers Casino watching Michael Firestone’s tribute to Micheal Jackson, “I Am King.” We have your shot to win your way into the concert all week, just enter below for a chance to win free tickets for Saturday, January 11th at 7pm.