Home - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) of the Lake Superior Band of Chippewa Indians is located approximately 30 miles south of Houghton and has dual land bases on both sides of the Keweenaw Bay Peninsula in Baraga County, Michigan. The community serves members in Baraga, Ontonagon, Gogebic, Marquette, Houghton and Keweenaw Counties.
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Directory - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Main Line Directory Outside Department Phone Numbers Department FAX Numbers Department Personnel & Extensions Main line: 906-353-6623 Department Extension Name Email Accounting 4189 Roxanne Bratt [email protected] Accounting 4119 Ashlyn Haataja [email protected] Accounting 4168 Susan LaFernier [email protected] Accounting 4177 Nian (Nancy) Yu [email protected] Accounting 4192 Tina ...
Tribal Council - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
The KBIC Tribal Council is composed of 12 members elected to serve 3-year terms by the voting membership. Tribal elections are held annually in the month of December with reorganization taking place the following January. One third of the Council is up for election every year.
Home :: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
2023年8月8日 · Welcome to the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community's website. You can find all of the information you need about the departments and services that the KBIC provides and the unique job opportunities it offers.
KBIC, the largest biomedical cluster in Japan, is the innovation arm of the City of Kobe to foster innovation and collaboration among its members and affiliates to ensure a thriving biomedical industry.
神戸医療産業都市とは | 神戸医療産業都市 (KBIC)|KBIC 神戸医療 …
神戸医療産業都市には中小企業・ベンチャー企業から大手製薬会社にいたるまで、 354社( 2025年 1月末現在)の医療関連企業・団体が国内外より進出し、日本最大級のバイオメディカルクラスターに成長しました。 クラスター形成が進むにつれて、雇用者数も約12,700人 (2023年3月末)と右肩上がりに増加しています。 また、神戸医療産業都市の市内経済効果は2005年の409億円から、その後5年間で2.5倍の1,041億円に、2020年には1,562億円となり、これに伴 …
KBIC Consulting
KBIC Consulting is a team of experienced insurance professionals who do not sell insurance. Instead, we help corporations, nonprofit organizations, and public entities solve persistent insurance challenges that are not easily resolved by established resources.
KBIC Insurance- Kookmin Best Insurance Co.,Ltd. US Branch
KB Financial Group is Korea’s leading financial institution with the largest customer base and the most extensive branch network in the country. These partnerships are the ‘keys to better business’ and allow KBIC to offer our customers the best service possible.
KBIC かわさき新産業創造センター
KBIC(かわさき新産業創造センター)は、「新川崎・創造のもり」内に川崎市がベンチャー企業や企業の新分野進出の支援を目的として整備した、インキュベーション施設です。 専門知識を兼ね備えた幅広いネットワークを持つインキュベーションマネージャーが常駐し、バックオフィスから技術開発まで、きめ細やかな支援を行います。 2003年にKBIC(ケービック)本館、2012年にクリーンルーム棟を備えるNANOBIC(ナノビック)と段階的に整備を進め、2019年1月 …