Main Difficulty Chart | JToH's Joke Towers Wiki | Fandom
Welcome to the Main Difficulty Chart! This list is similar to the Difficulty Chart, but with having unofficial and uncanon difficulties on the Eternal Joke Towers (EJT) Wiki.
JToH's Joke Towers Wiki - Fandom
4 天之前 · Welcome to Eternal Joke Towers Wiki! Current EJT icon, designed by Enyara69. Welcome to the EJT wiki, <INSERT USERNAME HERE>! Now, you may have just stumbled upon this wiki, and are confused about what this wiki beholds.
Katarina Johnson-Thompson - Wikipedia
Johnson-Thompson is the only athlete to have defeated Thiam face to face in global competition since Thiam won Olympic gold in 2016 and while Thiam has dominated the rivalry, particularly at the Olympic Games, the two are considered the dominant multi-eventers of their era, with the era defined by their rivalry.
Home | Katarina Johnson-Thompson
Katarina Johnson-Thompson (KJT) is regarded as Britain’s premier multi-event athlete, celebrated for her prowess both on the track and in the field. A four-time Olympian and Olympic silver …
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Tower Types | JToH's Joke Towers Wiki | Fandom
2025年3月1日 · There are currently 3 stars. A Gold Star means the tower type is in JToH. A Bronze Star means the tower type either used to be in JToH, or is currently in JToH (however with alterations). A Sapphire Star means the tower type originates outside of JToH, being in JJT's canon, but also is just interesting.
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Class 6 | UJJT Wiki | Fandom
Hello there! This is Class 6 of JJT in every year that this wiki has existed*. New difficulties arrive, and others are removed. Welcome to the tour of Class 6, every year since the start of the...