Girl born without a face has undergone 45 surgeries - USA TODAY
2015年6月30日 · Now 11-year-old Juliana has been through 45 surgeries. In fact, her dad, Thom Wetmore, took a photograph to show his wife to try and brace her for what she was about to see.
- 作者: Jeannie Blaylock
- 预计阅读时间:3 分钟
Girl Born Without A Face Surprised Doctors And Defied Internet …
6 天之前 · Juliana Wetmore was born missing 40% of the bones in her face. Bullies said she should be killed, but her parents know she has a huge purpose in this world!
Girl born without a face has undergone 45 surgeries
2015年6月30日 · Juliana Wetmore is known around the world as "The Girl Born Without a Face." Her story went viral a year after she was born.
Juliana Wetmore triumphs after being born with no face
2014年5月23日 · What should have been one of the happiest moments of Tami Wetmore's life soon turned tragic when she delivered her baby girl, Juliana, in March of 2003.
Girl is born with no face, 6 years later… - NTD News
2017年1月14日 · Juliana Wetmore is known as “the girl without a face.” One of the worse documented case of a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome and it causes, …
- 预计阅读时间:3 分钟
obstacles incomprehensible to most on a daily basis. Little Juliana Wetmore was born missing between thirty and forty percent of the bones in her face. Referred to as the “girl without a …
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'Girl Born Without A Face' Redefines Beauty: Juliana Wetmore, …
2014年5月27日 · Eleven-year-old Juliana Wetmore goes to school, talks, and plays with her classmates, beating all odds after being born with Treacher Collins syndrome, or without a …
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Little Girl Born Without a Face - UPDATE -
2004年12月17日 · An ultra sound showed something was wrong, probably around her upper lip area. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.Juliana's Mom almost bled to death during delivery.
Faceless girl redefining true beauty - USA TODAY
2014年5月22日 · Juliana Wetmore is known around the world as "The Girl Born Without a Face." Her story went viral a year after she was born. Check in with the happy 11-year-old today.
UPDATE: 'Girl Born Without a Face' -
2014年8月25日 · Now 11-year-old Juliana has been through 45 surgeries. STORY: May 2014 UPDATE on Juliana In fact, her dad, Thom Wetmore, took a photograph to show his wife to try and brace her for what she...