jSQL is the "official" Javascript Query Language - A database …
2019年3月3日 · jSQL is a state and data management tool as well as a robust SQL engine for both Node and the browser. For complete documentation, please see the jSQL Wiki. For plugins, live demos and other information see the official website.
GitHub - ron190/jsql-injection: jSQL Injection is a Java …
jSQL Injection is a lightweight application used to find database information from a server. It's free, open source and cross-platform for Windows, Linux and Mac and it works with Java from version 11 to 23.
jSQL - Javascript Query Language - GitHub Pages
jSQL is a partial yet robust SQL implementation with features specific to Javascript. jSQL is based on mySQL, but does not implement the entire standard, for example, JOIN statements are not yet possible with jSQL but it can run without a server and store Javascript Dates and Functions.
jsql | Kali Linux Tools
jSQL Injection is a lightweight application used to find database information from a distant server. jSQL is free, open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris). Installed size: 11.43 MB
GitHub - JSQLParser/JSqlParser: JSqlParser parses an SQL …
JSqlParser is a RDBMS agnostic SQL statement parser. It translates SQL statements into a traversable hierarchy of Java classes (see Samples):
How to use it - JSQLParser 5.1 documentation - GitHub Pages
Build any SQL Statement from Java Code using a fluent API: JSQLParser interprets Squared Brackets [..] as Arrays, which does not work with MS SQL Server and T-SQL. Please use the Parser Features to instruct JSQLParser to read Squared Brackets as Quotes instead. JSQLParser allows for standard compliant Single Quote '.. Escaping.
JSQLParser 5.1 documentation - GitHub Pages
JSQLParser is a SQL statement parser built from JavaCC. It translates SQLs in a traversable hierarchy of Java classes. Since the 5.0 release JSQLParser depends on Java 11 and has introduced new Visitors. Please see the Migration to 5.0 guide. Latest stable release: JSqlParser-5.1.jar. Development version: JSqlParser-5.2-SNAPSHOT.jar.
JSQL is a JavaScript library built to provide access to the browsers IndexedDB database using SQL query strings. What is SQL? What Can JSQL do? SQL is a Standard BUT.... Although SQL is an ANSI/ISO standard, there are different versions of the SQL language.
JSQL: A JSON-based SQL Alternative
Explore the future of databases with JSON. Utilize a familiar format for database management. Quickly integrate with existing projects and services. Designed for community-driven enhancements and versatility.
Welcome to JSQL. It’s a lightweight JDBC DSL framework, JSQL means Just SQL and without ORM configuration. It is a framework which is convenience and easy to use, just like sql syntax that you feel free to write SQL as usual and makes Java SQL development more easier.