Joint Nordic HTA-Bodies
2024年6月3日 · The Nordic collaboration JNHB offers efficient and transparent joint health technology assessments of medicinal products in the five Nordic countries.
Working with JNHB - JNHB
JNHB collaborates with Nordic Horizon Scanning initiatives and receives information about which new medicinal products, and new indications for already approved products are on the way to the market.
About - JNHB
The JNHB collaboration aims at: • Supporting timely and equal access to medicinal products for patients in the Nordic countries • Less divergence in HTA methodologies and evidence requirements between the Nordic HTA bodies • Sharing of resources and knowledge between the Nordic HTA bodies
FINOSE becomes Joint Nordic HTA-Bodies, JNHB - Norwegian …
2024年4月6日 · JNHB has recently entered a collaboration with the negotiation bodies in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum, aiming to further strengthen the Nordic collaborations and clarify the link between HTA and negotiations on a Nordic level.
FRPath | Joint Nordic HTA-Bodies (formerly FINOSE) FRP
The Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB) process can be initiated through the following pathways: • JNHB can contact health technology developers (HTDs) directly regarding products, identified through JNHB’s horizon scanning procedure, likely to be suitable for joint assessment.
Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB): further collaborations for
2024年8月12日 · On 3rd June 2024, a new collaboration, Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB), was announced, aiming to streamline health technology assessments (HTAs) in the Nordics through joint HTA assessment of...
Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB): further collaborations for HTA in ...
2024年8月12日 · On 3rd June 2024, a new collaboration, Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB), was announced, aiming to streamline health technology assessments (HTAs) in the Nordics through joint HTA assessment of medicinal products.
Public Webinar: HTA/Payer Collaboration in the Nordics: The Role …
Speakers explored the creation and operation of the Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB) collaboration, how it evolved from FINOSE to JNHB, and how joint reports are taken up locally.
2024年6月3日 · This extensive experience and involvement can ensure that JNHB is uniquely well prepared for the upcoming implementation of the HTAR in 2025 and we are confident that the transition will not have a major impact on the JNHB processes.
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