New JLK bullets 2020 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年2月17日 · I decided to test the new JLK 130 grain bullets in my .260 Remington, since that chamber permits the bullet to reach the lands. The rifle is a trued Remington 700 built by Barney Eiseman at Shooter's Station in Conroe, TX, with a Krieger 26" 8-twist barrel, and bedded in a MagPul Hunter 700 stock.
JLK Vs. Berger | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年8月10日 · Re: JLK Vs. Berger not sure why but i've had much better results in my rifles with the bergers: 190 gr 30 cal in 308/300 win mag, 180 gr in 7mm wsm, 130 gr 6.5 in 6.5 x 47. the 7mm jlk's didnt want to stabilize in my rifle, thought the jlk's may be great in yours...
Anyone using JLK 7mm bullets | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年8月7日 · Re: Anyone using JLK 7mm bullets I was shooting 180 bergers and thought I would try the 180 JLK's. According to the ballistics programs using it's BC , I would be 0.3 Mils flatter at 1000. But when shooting the JLK's the exact same speed, I used exactly the same dope as for the 180 bergers.
Swampworks JLK Bullets Info | Sniper's Hide Forum
2018年1月29日 · Well, one way would be to load some up on a ladder test to a super tight group in your riffle, get the velocity of the best group, then you would input your basic info (zero info, velocity, bullet length... anything you have), then shoot some good, consistent groups out at about 700 yards, then input the amount of elevation needed to get those hits into your ballistic app to …
JLK bullets on game | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年11月13日 · Re: JLK bullets on game I talked to steve about this very thing. He said that since they use the same j4 jacket they would perform the same. My buddy shot a nice muley last weekend with a 168gr JLK at 434yds he said it punched a hole clean through. He got the buck. I have yet to see a berger go through an animal at those distances.
Range Report - 130gr JLK by the numbers - Sniper's Hide
Now that the 6.5 jackets are rolling again, my order of 130gr JLK's is finally in the mail from the Swampworks. Not having very good data on them, I did some math analysis of my own and I wanted to share it with you all for critical comments. As a …
7mm JLK 180gr VLD, anyone using them in 7WSM? - Sniper's Hide
2008年5月1日 · Re: 7mm JLK 180gr VLD, anyone using them in 7WSM? I have loaded 10 rounds with the 180 JLK #28180. 62.0 H4831sc. Very accurate in my LSR 7WSM below. I have 240 left I will use for my next match. I can't remember my oal but I belive I was touching the lands. They look like missles, wicked!
Range Report - 130gr JLK by the numbers - Sniper's Hide
2011年4月1日 · Re: 130gr JLK by the numbers - evaluate my analysis JLK bullets are awesome. A clear step above the Berger VLD IMO. Better BC for sure. From what I have been told by bullet manufacturers is that J4 increased their price on the jackets across the board 40% in January. And THEN again a...
135 JLK 6.5mm bullets | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年12月18日 · I have between 1300-1400 pointed 135 swampworks jlk bullets. They have a .650 g1 BC. My throat is a little long so I have gone to 147 hornadys so I dont need these. I'm asking 48 cents per bullet shipped. I'm looking to sell these in one lot as they are all the same lot number. Only trades would...
JLK 6.5 130s | Sniper's Hide Forum
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