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Find commercial real estate services and property investment strategies. We work with owners, tenants and investors in the local, national and global markets.
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With a culture of belonging, rewarding opportunities and a diverse global community, together we are shaping the future of real estate for a better world. As a global professional services firm specializing in real estate and investment management, we have an inherent responsibility to shape the future of real estate for a better world.
JLL (company) - Wikipedia
Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) is a global real estate services company, founded in the United Kingdom with offices in 80 countries.
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3 天之前 · We help buy, build, occupy and invest in a variety of assets including industrial, commercial, retail, residential and hotel real estate. From tech startups to global firms, our clients span industries including banking, energy, healthcare, law, life sciences, manufacturing, and technology. There’s the conventional way of doing things.
仲量联行JLL_房地产专业服务_房地产咨询_房地产投资_房地产研究 …
JLL携手瑞安新天地,共述双方多年来高度契合的发展理念,共同回顾在中国经济高速发展的30年中,双方如何从各自的领域出发,共同推动中国城市发展。 从前瞻策略到专业实施,仲量联行助力赛默飞全球最大客户体验中心落沪。 庆祝仲量联行进入中国内地市场30周年,特别策划“我的30故事”员工系列视频,从“今年30岁”、“ 30岁入职”、 “数字30与我”、“入职30年”、“入行30年”五个维度,记录真实、鲜活的仲量联行员工故事。 让我们一起走近他们,感受他们的勇气与热忱、坚 …
关于仲量联行 - joneslanglasalle.com.cn
4 天之前 · 提供地产投资或金融投资机会咨询服务,带您深入了解全球投资趋势,协助您制定投资策略并发现下一个投资机会,也可根据您的投资目标锁定优质租户组合。 为您提供房地产项目设计开发服务,从前期的房地产开发项目策略、中期的提供全程支持,到后期的建造完成,旨在为您打造出理想空间,使您的想法成为现实。 以科技为炬,领未来之路,让世界更美好。 仲量联行以独到的方式开展业务,我们对此深以为傲。 立足房地产,我们引领时代变革,让世界更美好。 …
JLL - Investor relations
3 天之前 · A member of the Fortune 500 ®, JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated) is a leading global commercial real estate and investment management company that helps clients buy, …
仲量聯行 | 全球商業房地產服務 | 投資管理
本行報告提供每月摘要,讓您洞悉香港寫字樓、住宅、商舖及工廈物業市場的最新動態。 改造您的辦公室,推動企業文化,以及員工的協作力和表現。 通過經營香港都市農莊,仲量聯行幫助客戶為可持續發展和社區作出貢獻。 戲曲中心為世界級的表演場地,致力推廣及發展戲曲藝術,而仲量聯行負責管理戲曲中心的設施。 個人化的租戶體驗及全面的物業管理服務為本港一棟高級商廈提供媲美5星級酒店的禮遇。 我們為擁有優秀的人才感到自豪,他們為客戶和社區成就願景,擁抱創 …
JLL - LinkedIn
We’re a leading professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management. JLL shapes the future of real estate for a better world by using the most advanced technology...
Capital Markets - JLL
JLL Capital Markets secures $77.25M sale & $54.809M agency lending for Haven Hoffman, a 550-home garden-style community located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. JLL's regular view on global real estate dynamics, covering: investment, office, logistics, retail, hotels and living, as well as CRE market trends.
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