The Life of Jesus—From His Birth to His Death | Bible Stories
The child, Jesus, was born in a stable, where shepherds visited him. Later, a star guided men from the East to the young child. We learn who caused them to see that star, and how Jesus was saved from the efforts to kill him.
Quem é Jesus Cristo? Ele é Deus ou Filho de Deus? - JW.ORG
Ele disse a Jesus: “Se o senhor apenas quiser, pode me purificar.” Ninguém ficava perto de quem tinha lepra porque essa doença é horrível e contagiosa. Mas Jesus ficou emocionado com a dor e o sofrimento daquele homem. Ele sentiu pena do homem e quis ajudá-lo. Então, Jesus tocou no homem e disse: “Eu quero! Seja purificado.”
Conmemoración de la muerte de Jesús | 12 de abril de 2025
El 12 de abril de 2025, los Testigos de todo el mundo celebrarán la Conmemoración de la muerte de Cristo como cada año.
Imitemos a Jesús y prediquemos con entusiasmo
3 Algo que nos ayudará a tener entusiasmo por la predicación es analizar el ejemplo de Jesús. Mientras estuvo en la Tierra, él no fue perdiendo el entusiasmo por el ministerio, sino que de hecho lo fue aumentando (lea Lucas 13: 6-9). Él mismo se comparó a un hombre que pasó tres años cuidando una higuera, pero el árbol no dio ningún fruto.
O que o nome de Jeová significa para Jesus? | Estudo da Sentinela
Na verdade, ele ensinou o que esse nome representa. Jesus ajudou seus discípulos a conhecer melhor a Jeová, incluindo o Seu propósito para a Terra e os humanos, o que Jeová já tinha feito, o que iria fazer e Suas qualidades. Só Jesus poderia ensinar tudo isso tão bem porque ele conhece a Jeová melhor do que qualquer outra pessoa. 4-5.
Conmemoración de la muerte de Jesús - JW.ORG
Lo invitamos a asistir al aniversario de la muerte de Jesús el sábado 12 de abril de 2025. Aprenderá cómo su muerte puede beneficiarle a usted y a su familia.
Los milagros de Jesús: ¿qué puede aprender de ellos? - JW.ORG
Los milagros de Jesús: ¿qué puede aprender de ellos? TAL vez le sorprenda saber que en los relatos bíblicos de la vida terrestre de Jesús nunca se utiliza la palabra griega habitual para “milagro”.
Everlasting Life for You —But How? | Watchtower Study - JW.ORG
11 When Jesus was in Galilee in 32 C.E., he was mainly addressing Jews who wanted bread from him. However, he called their attention to something much more beneficial than literal food. He identified a provision by which they could gain everlasting life. And Jesus said that those who died could be resurrected on the last day and live forever.
Memorial of Jesus’ Death - JW.ORG
The meeting starts and ends with the singing of a song, as well as a prayer offered by a minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The program includes a talk about the importance of Jesus’ death and how we can benefit from what God and Christ have done for us.
What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? - JW.ORG
Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom in heaven. He began ruling in 1914. —Revelation 11:15. Salvation. Deliverance from sin and death is possible through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. (Matthew 20:28; Acts 4: 12) To benefit from that sacrifice, people must not only exercise faith in Jesus but also change their course of life and get baptized.