Evolution of the Jegan - 1989 to 2018 : r/Gundam - Reddit
Oct 18, 2018 · The D-Type is my favorite Jegan variant. That slightly darker green really suits it instead of that mint sea-green color as seen on the original Jegan's gunpla kit. It's too bad the D-Type and many of the other Jegan variants are P-Bandai exclusives.
Why is the Jegan considered a good mobile suit? In Char’s
Nov 10, 2020 · Jegan is a good mobile suit but yeah in Char's Counterattack it shows them getting destroyed by Neo Zeon. If you think that is bad you should watch Gundam F91 when the Crossbone Vanguard is using miniature mobile suits against the Federation's Frontier garrison which is manly made of Jegans and they really get destroyed and are almost useless.
Everybody's Favorite : Stark Jegan Pilot [by 飛鷹/涼月くらら]
Mar 6, 2020 · The jegan was always one of my favorite mobile suits as a kid (mostly because of its green color). When I got back into gundam Unicorn was where I started, and having the show open to this mobile suit taking on a suit as scary as the Kshatriya was an amazing way to go back in. RIP the biggest badass Jegan pilot ive ever damn seen.
Jegan (ECOAS Type) Stat and skill : r/GBO2 - Reddit
Mar 24, 2022 · The jegan beam rifle is canonically tuned for high rate of fire yet in game is refreshes and reloads at a glacial pace. They could have given this fake beacon lvl 2 at least. Reply reply
I believe in Jegan Pilot supremacy. : r/Gundam - Reddit
Jun 20, 2021 · I know the Stark Jegan is a veteran of CCA, but OYW parts was news to me, was it stated anywhere? While the Stark Jegan itself isn't a grunt suits per said, but it's isn't a ace custom either. Rather a anti ship assault upgrade to the regular Jegan.
Jegan Type D (Impressions?) : r/GBO2 - Reddit
Dec 9, 2021 · The melee isn't even that great since it still has Jegan beam saber just with +8 melee correction in return for -12 shooting correction. Since OG Jegan could go downswing>shield missiles>downswing I think it might overall lose a little damage or not gain as much as you think.
Stark Jegan Advice : r/GBO2 - Reddit
Feb 10, 2022 · Stark Jegan has now my new favorite general over the the standard Jegan. I cant remember what exactly i use but i max out the range danage and reload speed and fill in the rest with melee defense and damage. I use the normal bazooka(not shrapnel). The playstyle its all about being a mid range shooter(do not go for a melee).
Stark Jegan, tips? : r/GBO2 - Reddit
Jun 28, 2023 · Stark Jegan is not exactly a close range general, you CAN melee, but its best to just barrage away, especially with all the stealth raids and everyone and their dog getting MA. The Yolo raid counter: Shrapnel -> Shoulder missile -> BR If you get caught/surprised by stealth: dodge roll -> EX boost -> Tackle -> BR
RGM-89D Jegan Type-D modeled in Blender : r/Gundam - Reddit
Oct 31, 2019 · I can then get creative and create custom armor parts or change the proportions on certain features. For instance, I don’t own the MG Jegan Type-D, I just modeled those features after I made the original Jegan. The upside to this workflow is the fact that all of the armor parts will be parented to the armature automatically.
MG Stark Jegan assembled pics + mini review : r/Gunpla - Reddit
Sep 3, 2023 · Completed assembling my copy of the Premium Bandai 1/100 MG Stark Jegan kit that I bought earlier this year. The inner frame/skeleton is basically the same as the regular MG Jegan, with exceptions being the shoulders, feet and backpack, but the finished build itself is much more bulky due to the higher number of attached weapons throughout the ...