1.2.2 V (D)J重组的发生机制 - 哔哩哔哩
DNA剪切是由淋巴特异性蛋白重组激活基因 (lymphoid-specific proteins recombination-activating gene)RAG1和RAG2,以及普遍表达的DNA结合蛋白--高迁移率族蛋白 (high-mobility group box protein)HMGB1或HMGB2介导的位点特异性反应(van Gent et al. 1997)。 这些蛋白质可结合目标基因片段侧翼 (flank)的重组信号序列 (RSS),并在RSS和编码DNA间引入双链断裂 (DSB)。 随后,通过非同源末端连接 (NHEJ)这一DNA修复途径补足DSB(Lieber 2010;Chang et al. …
Extended Duration of DH–JH Rearrangement in Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain ...
Apr 4, 1999 · Here we show that suppression of VH–DJH rearrangement in mice bearing a μ heavy (H) chain transgene (μ-tg mice) is associated with an extended period of DH–JH rearrangement, the first step of Immunoglobulin H chain gene rearrangement.
Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement in heavy chain …
Heavy chain deposition disease (HCDD) is characterized by the deposition of truncated monoclonal immunoglobulin heavy chains along glomerular basement membranes. Truncated heavy chains are thought to be associated with plasma cell disease (PCD), but previous bone marrow cytology tests showed that only 30% of HCDD cases are related to PCDs.
免疫球蛋白的遗传控制 - 血液病学 - 天山医学院
人类H链基因库中编码蛋白的基因片段包括:先导序列基因(leader sequence, L)、可变区基因(VH)、多样性基因(diversity,DH)、连接基因(joining,JH)及恒定区基因(CH)片段的外显子,在各外显子间都有无编码功能的长短不等的碱基序列插入。
Incomplete DJH rearrangements of the IgH gene are frequent in
Jun 20, 2003 · DH–JH rearrangements of the Ig heavy-chain gene (IGH) occur early during B-cell development. Consequently, they are detected in precursor-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias both at diagnosis...
Homology-directed recombination in IgH variable region
Apr 1, 2007 · Homology-directed recombination, i.e. the preferential joining of gene segments at short sequence homologies, is found in 80% of IgH variable region genes from neonatal mice and causes a marked uniformity of their VH-DH- and DH-JH-junctions, which are predominated by one to three junctional sequences.
At least five DH genes of human immunoglobulin heavy chains
The variable region of immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain is encoded by three separate genes: variable (VH), diversity (DH) and joining (JH) genes on the germ-line genome. In mice, most complementarity determining region (CDR) III of the heavy chains of myelomas and hybridomas sequenced so far can be a …
Immunoglobulin VH, DH, and JH gene usages in the mouse IgH …
The rearrangement of the IgH segments begins with the union of a DH with a JH segment in an early stage of B cells, followed by the recombination of a VH with the DJH segment in more mature B...
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement analysis in composite
The IgH rearrangement found in clonally related Reed-Sternberg cells differed from the one of LBCL cells in the VH region but showed the same JH and DH segments with no variation from the respective germline sequence. The DH-JH junction is the first immunoglobulin gene segment rearranged in precursor B cells.
Organization of human immunoglobulin heavy chain diversity
Dec 20, 1988 · The variable region of immunoglobulin heavy chain is encoded by three separate genes on the germline genome: variable (VH), diversity (DH) and joining (JH) genes. Most human DH genes are encoded in 9-kb repeating sequences. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 15-kb DNA fragment containing mor …